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sorry for slowness you guys, im stressed and worried about my well being:  i've been having explainable symptoms in my chest for a while now but have gotten worse and had to go to the ER last night  because i almost blacked out from it (for a second time). in the end the doctors there couldn't tell what it was so I'm going to see a physician soon and get it checked out further. please bear with me while I try to recuperate! I'll keep patreon stuff up to date as best as I am able to.  xoxo


Chris F-K

Stress can be a factor, but PLEASE see a Cardiologist.


Health comes first, hope they figure it out soon!


You take care of you first, we'll be here when your good to go!

Elijah Mohsin

This thread's gonna turn into a broken record soon, but it bears saying anyway; your health is more important than this site. We can wait as long as we need to.


take care of yourself first, can't have this site without you


Please be well


I'd draw you a get well card if it wouldn't make dead artists past rise from the grave and kick my ass.


Huh... Is there really no way to post get well cards in the comments? Fine then. Initiate broken record of caring - Take care of yourself first. I will definitely still be gushing over your art.


Oh gosh. Hopefully the specialist can figure it out.


Take care of yourself first, patreon art can wait!


Take care girl! Health is important, sadly know all about it my last two years have been kind of shitty. Hope you get well soon!


!!! Speaking from experience, there are a ton of things (some serious, some not) that refer pain to areas that make it look like heart issues. Doctors like to tell you what it isn't and pretend that they are done. Try to get a real final answer from them, but all of the "well, at least it's definitely not *this*" are helpful, too. I will cross my fingers that you just have a brutal case of heartburn, or at worst a gall stone. Please take care of yourself. Eat, sleep, take your vitamins... (all of that shit that my mom constantly bugs me about).


Don't push yourself too hard. Get well first then worry about drawing stuff


Get well first, it's your priority now ! Gambate !


Please take care of yourself! I hope things go OK and you work it out & get good treatment.


Take care of yourself Iahfy, that's all I can ask of you.