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for my new years resolution, i've decided to take my art seriously and really treat it like a job since it is my main job. I quit my other jobs to pursue art full time but I feel like I haven't done my best for myself or enough for you guys. I'm determined to step it up to create more content because, lets be real, I've regretted not drawing as much as I could've been for the support you guys give me! if it weren't for patreon and you guys supporting what I love to do, I don't know where or what I would be doing right now. My dream is to eventually make a living doing what I love and you guys are helping me make it happen. So thank you so much. 

PS: I want to expand my drawing subjects too...such as backgrounds, edits, animals/creatures, etc! (dont get me wrong, I still LOVE drawing cute/sexy girls!) & I definately want to get around drawing tutorials for different subjects too.  

what would you guys like to see more of this year? I'd really like to hear your thoughts

Lots of love, 
