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Yeah, I mean besides yourself. I can't reply to you. Also, consider drawing more V-Tubers, I think both your patrons and the V-Tubers themselves would love it!


The V-Tuber Model looks really good 👍 As for which one is my favorite I like the swimsuit one mainly cause the "sub to slap" makes me laugh

Matt R

The Synth sketches look quite nice, and the Vtuber looks good so far


Synth looks absolutely gorgeous and sexy adorable as always and I love but her sister Taiko HOLY FUCKING FUCKER FUCK! she's beautifully gorgeous and sexy buff with lovely abs! I love them both and their milf. Thank you so very much my goddess queen of awesomeness friend for these lovely masterpieces of pure flawless perfection! *yetihug*


Which Synth is my favorite? Chibi Gremlin >:-3 VTuber model looks great! Taiko is cute too!


I really like the posing and POV and musculature of Baseball Synth. The translucency of the towel for Hotsprings Synth also looks great.

Loki Asgard

Hot springs towel Synth is great but so is her booty and I would like to see it more often.


I love all of the Synth sketches - either bottom left or bottom right but it's too hard to choose!


Bottom middle


i didn’t realize how much i needed schoolgirl synth in my life