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I forgot to post these screenshots from the last streams for you guys, things have been a little crazy...

I also wanted to post to inform you guys I got sick with covid. I'm stuck quarantining with just my laptop in my room so I won't be able to stream or do much art for about 2 weeks. Luckily I have some art already near completion that there shouldn't be problems with rewards at the end of the month. 

Thank you for understanding




Get well ifhay


Dude, hang tight.


Take care of yourself and get well soon ! 🥺💜


Really sorry to hear that!! Hope you get well asap!!


Hope you get well soon!


Get better soon :(


Stay safe be careful 🙌🏻


Oh no I hope you get really better soon. Please take your time for you get healthy. I’ll pray for you IAHFY 🥺💕💕

Clem Barbarossa

Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself!

Death of Ink

Take care of yourself.

Robin Baird MacLachlan

D: Here's hoping it passes quickly and (relatively) easily!


Get well soon IAHFY! Please take care of yourself. Digital hugs


get well soon. health is always more important!


Oh no! Take care of yourself!

Michael Lynch

Take care, hope you have a minor case and your symptoms are mild. Feel better soon!


get lots of rest and I hope you feel better soon!


take care of yourself and get healthy! We love you!


Take care of yourself and don't worry about anything else!

peter allen

I had the minor symptoms but it was still a pain, take care of yourself, sleep on your stomach if you can.


Sorry to hear that! Take care of yourself. Your health is all that matters, anything else can wait.

This Guy Likes Cool Stuff

Take care of yourself and get well soon. Your well being comes before us.


Oh shit! I am so sorry to hear that! I hope that you feel better soon and make a full recovery! Make sure to get plenty of rest and take care my goddess queen of awesomeness friend. your health is number one! *healing comforting supportive yetihug* and and agreed on the horni zone

VC I Alex

Don't even worry about rewards, please take care of yourself. Your health always comes first!!


No stress, hope you get better. Plus I love the Matoko❤️


Just focus on getting better! I hope you have a quick and easy recovery!


Oh wow...I went through that and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Be safe, rest, and I wish you a fast, full, and easy recovery. (Also, Motoko is awesome)


Oh god, I hope you get better! Please don't push yourself.

Travis A.

IAHFY, oh no! that's terribly upsetting! How are your symptoms? are you doing okay? We're more concerned for your health than your art feed, goodness. <3


Hope you make a smooth recovery 😞


Sorry to hear you caught the crap, hope you feel better soon.


Best of luck dealing with the quarantine. Kick the plague's butt!