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I'm know most are aware of the new payment fees for pledging that are said to take effect on dec 18th. I've been looking into the details to get a better understanding of it since they announced it. Patreon clearly misjudged creators' relationships with their patrons and don't care to understand that this policy will discourage patrons from supporting creators. I'm in no way upset at patrons that want/need to pull out because I totally get it. Seeing as there's been a lot of negative feedback from users already, I hope Patreon will listen and just call it off entirely and keep it the way it was. It made more sense to take the fees from the creator's earnings, since its the patrons who are giving us those earnings in the first place. It's just not fair to dump the fees on patrons when they're so generous to support their independent creators. Patron doesn't understand that for some, including myself, that this is our main sustainable income. I just want to make a living doing what I do, just some stability so I can focus on my work and please my lovely supporters that make it all happen. With that said, I will be looking more into other possible platforms and methods that may be better alternatives than Patreon for the future. I've come to a possible solution as to adjust current tier prices to try to match what you were paying before bc I don't want people pledging to feel ripped off or taken advantage of whatsoever. Patreon has honestly changed the lives of countless online artists, and for that reason, it would be sad to see it cancelled due to mass user withdrawals. Nonetheless I will watch what happens before taking any further action. Just wanted to let you guys know my feelings and if or when it updates, I will make changes where need be <3

xoxo iahfy

P.S. I feel live i've outgrown picarto for streaming and would like to move to twitch for a fresh start. so make sure to follow me there for future streams! https://www.twitch.tv/iahfy



I agree they need to change it back, still going to stick around and hope they wake up, or everyone needs to move to a site like this that listens to the people that keep them alive. glad to see you moving to twitch, picarto seems to be dying from what i can tell.


I agree too. It's ridiculous. They are going more and more conservative money-grubbers style. They are even restricting some of the more taboo artstyles. CArt and censorship is a big no-go. I really hope they see their errors or patreon will have many leavers...


I agree as well. Hopefully Patreon will listen to the people and stop what they are planning to do. Stay strong Iahfy. *yetihug*


Patreon still has to deal with major financial institutions and they are notoriously skittish in regards to pornography.


What's wrong with Picarto?


*confetti* Patreon is backing away from the proposed fee changes (at least for now). Creators should probably point this out to their patrons. Perhaps on twitter, tumblr, etc. to possibly bring back any lost patrons.