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  • "PayPal тесно сотрудничает с правительствами и партнерами, чтобы активно соблюдать все применимые законы и санкции. В текущих обстоятельствах мы приостанавливаем работу PayPal в России. Это означает, что мы приостанавливаем отправку и получение транзакций между Россией и другими странами через PayPal. Вы по-прежнему сможете выводить средства на банковский счет."


  • "PayPal collaborates closely with governments and partners, to actively monitor and adhere to all laws and sanctions. In the current situation we are stopping to work in Russia. That means, that we stop all transactions in Russia and between Russia and other countries. You can still withdraw to your bank account."

Just so you know, they didn't even notify me about it. I was not notified, at least adequately. There was no notification, and I have an app installed. You'd think it's pretty important to mention, but no. I found out about it accidentally, when trying to purchase some things.

I cannot withdraw from Patreon to PayPal:

I'm locked out of *all* of (my & yours) funds that you generously donated. In addition, when on March 4 I received a 100$ of goodwill, I tried to withdraw it and I still didn't receive it; usually it took around a day. Considering that the PayPal Russia-ban took place on March 5, and I don't have the money on my account anymore, it's possible that the money is now stuck in the system and I can't even return it. 

  • What it means for you as my patrons? For now, absolutely nothing. I will continue to work like I have, for now. This changes nothing. Also, I seem to have no access to Patreon without a VPN, but I always use one, so don't worry - I have one paid for a year.
  • Now, I won't tell you what to do as my patron. 
  • I can suggest unsubscribing.
  • I will update on any alternative services I may migrate to.
  • If no alternatives are to be found, I will notify you and in that case I will appreciate it greatly if you will still consider donating, but you need to understand that it's possible in the current climate that I won't be able to access those funds in the near future, or maybe *ever* (that is very possible too!). So please, if you are of an honest opinion you don't want to throw the money into potentially *nothing*, I will understand and support your decision fully. I ask you to not be on the receiving financial end of this sanction, as no one (except the Patreon platform) will truly benefit from it for now.

I will consider to switching from a Pro Patreon plan to a Simplified one (so if you see your pledge change, don't be surprised). The simplified plan has only one rank, with one fixed pledge. If I do that, I will change the pledge to around 3-5 USD, so nobody would be affected (too much). That will also mean that I will probably post everything for free, offering just an early access for patrons from thereon. 

It will ultimately result in me earning much less, but please let me know what you think here in the comments or on the Discord server.

!!!! Another very important note: I am deeply sorry but I cannot refund you for March

I've withdrawn most of the funds prior to March 5, and I cannot put the money back (thanks to PayPal) and I cannot pay you back on PayPal (thanks to PayPal, I can only withdraw to my bank account), and I cannot send you a refund internationally bank to bank (thanks to sanctions). I am very sorry. If this situation gets resolved somehow someday and you still want a refund, contact me here via Patreon, on my Discord server, or at contact@ddsworkshop.net!




This is so unfortunate. If it isn't one thing, its another. We were just coming down from all this covid BS and now this. GD dude.