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Legend has it that in ancient times there was a tribe (the Miyuyitas) who prayed to their god and invoked him to bring them beautiful angels who could indulge their sexual fantasies.

They were endless orgies for centuries, however, the tribe disappeared, and no one knew of its existence until a group of explorers came to the island and found writings that contained the way to invoke the great Knight, who has been branded with the number 340, so he is called Knight340, they did not know what this was about, but when they invoked him, his angels descended from heaven and offered them his body, this series will be relating the erotic adventures of the protagonists.





I don't think it's an animated series, I'll do it in the form of a comic because I don't have actors who give voice to the characters, it's too much, besides, it takes a long time to animate it, time that I don't have because I have to go to university, I also think it's a great idea