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Kanna 😏

I might or might have not drawn her tits too big so I need to do better at that but netherless I hope you like her!

This actually took longer than I expected because despite being somewhat familiar with Blue archive I wasn't very sure what situation to draw for her so that was an interesting experience. I might draw some of my fav Blue Archive characters in the future too.

On other notes, I lied to you guys 😔

I said in my last post that I would stop drawing Reed but before I could notice I was into 3 Eblana WIPs. Not sure I'll finish all of them but it's likely there will be a Eblana soon. I hope you can bear with my Draco women addiction a bit more.

Tomorrow I'll post the second Poll of this month so stay tunned! I'll make sure not to fill all the slots with Reeds and Eblanas by mistake 😂



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