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For some weird reason I drew her jacket, panties and pants separately which took a lot longer but now we can swap them in a million combinations I guess 😂 If you are missing one specific combo let me know and I'll add it lmao.

I saw the chance of funny pubes and added versions for it. They are only in the Zip file though.

Originally I was gonna draw her embarrassed of her ᵀᶦᵗˢ but after listening to her voice lines it does seem obvious she is the Sui milf so I ended up drawing her very proud of them.

I plan to draw more of her but it will be after I'm done with the Poll and Monthly Pick winners because those probably should take priority.

On other notes, Blemi finally won the poll after a couple of appearances. Really wonder if the Goth skin has to do with this. I still gotta figure out if I'll include that or not.

Liskarm and Ascalon also had a good fight but Ascalon ended up on top so she will be featured in the next poll again I guess lmao

The real fun is gonna be on June's monthly pick character though, we got a non-arknights one-time-suggested character. Might be a bit off but that's the point of the monthly pick so I'll commit to it.



Second Verse

Head full of thoughts about dragon tummy, and that’s all I need really.


her smug smile 😳😳