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I've been trying to upload this for so long :(  posting here so at least you all can watch it!

Watch here!: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lQ2AkB3-kYTrasU3dRzI6p2zk3HVODlb/view




Thx so much for posting. Really enjoyed the reaction and look forward to more. Throughout the vid there were several things I would have committed on that you said but my memory is awful. The one thing I do remember is your comment about people saying Jisoo is a subpar dancer and you didn’t see it. Well I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t understand the hate on Jisoo’s dancing, her vocals, and her not speaking English good enough. Every claim is unsubstantiated and unfounded. I won’t elaborate on each aspect but I think you get my point that those false statements are ludicrous. I’m obviously a Jisoo bias but I adore each and every one of these girls. They each bring their own individual talent and charm to the group. They each could easily made a career as solo artists which is what makes Blackpink such a powerhouse group. Thx for the reaction and look forward to more! Btw, please don’t let this creep you out but I really like the shape of your eyes. Very pretty...