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Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that I'll need a little break from animating because I've developed some covid symptoms (Fever, cough, short breath, runny nose) and I don't know yet if it's just a flu or covid. In any case I'll spend most days resting and drinking plenty of water, so please hang in there without content for a couple days 😔

I'll get better quickly and return animating in no time, thank you for your understanding and sorry about the trouble ♥



Neither one is fun, enjoy your break and rest up, hope it doesn't hit you hard!

Dragon Ranger

Yikes! Hope you feel better soon man.

OnBake Platinum

Get tested as soon as possible. If positive, you need to quartine for 2 weeks or more. Don't shrug it off, you need to get tested to find out.


Breathe, dude!!! BREATHE!!!


Get well soon


chances are its just a flu but can never be to safe. hope you feel better

squishy gree

You should get one of those covid saliva tests, theyre sold in every pharmacy here, and are very cheap like 6 bucks. I did one 3 days ago and it was negative, and I knew i didnt have it because I have a vaccine so i think theyre pretty accurate. But dont worry i think you most likely got a flu, its the end of november after all, getting cold. Drinking lots of water is a good idea!


Feel better 😌 💕 and just take it easy.


Aw thank you all for your concern guys ♥♥ Yes I just tested negative for covid, so most likely it's just an annoying flu. I'll take it easy for a couple of days and I'll be back in action before you know it!

Midnight Sparkle

Oh no :c Please get some rest and take care of yourself. Nice to hear it's not covid. Get well soon.


Yea no worries M8 get better, health more important, get all them essential viamins n minerals especially Vitamin D and C