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*this image represents only the "first" 6kx6k of the map

This is Pakanhall,

a huge 16km² realistic diverse multibiome Minecraft Landscape for survival and creative adventures. Adventure, survive or create, at the most beautiful places in Minecraft and explore all the unique places around the world. Build a house on a Volcano, or within huge mountains or survive along the rivers and the woods. Find custom caves, mineshafts, coral reefs, advanced biomes, supporter villages and more.

Releases | Released | date type

✅ 12th January 2022   Source Files
✅ 12th January 2022   Java (Experimental)
✅ 12th January 2022   Bedrock (Experimental 1.18 Conversion)
Fine the full map here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/pakanhall/


What's new? What's changed?

With each new map i try to develop, evolve or refine a technique. See all my maps as rapid prototype maps.
See how it has developed over time here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/mcmeddons-map-update-history/

  • 📀 Nodes: "lowered" sea cliffs to 130 ish
  • 📀 Nodes: flatter & lower base land with better ridges
  • 📀 Nodes: added slanted mountain type
  • 📀 Nodes: lowered mesa mountains
  • 📀 Nodes: added paths node setup
  • 📀 Nodes: minimalized and cleaned dozens of node structures
  • 📀 Nodes: Coastal cliffs added as separate terrain type
  • 📀 Nodes: Fixed multiple miss-connected masks
  • 📀 Nodes: added more displacement to shape- and poronoi mountains
  • 📀 Nodes: granite and diorite masks slightly improved but still wip

  • 📀 World: Lowered Deepslate layer to 0-8
  • 📀 World: added Cow, Sheep, Pig, Chicken, Fox, Wolf, Horse, Donkey and more mob spawner as Misc objects to the world (findable in forests)
  • 📀 World: Added Mineshaft as spawnable structure to the core world
  • 📀 World: Added Custom Strongholds as spawnable structure to the core world
  • 📀 World: Grass paths, endless paths... neverending paths mahahaha

🚧⚠ Issues / Things to be aware about

As complexity rises, a small tweak or change can have unintended consequences, flaws, be just poor choices, or I maybe hit certain possibility limits of programs. These maps are really complex and hard to make, with dozens of steps and hundreds of layers to apply in the right order. And I'm just a non-magical-wizard boi making sometimes either a poor decision or an unintended mistake, but I want to let you know what might have an impact when playing this world, and here’s what I´ve noticed:

  • Performance issues due 1.18, error with java head overspace
  • General: The exportation to and from bedrock can have some weird effects on the world, as its pretty untested for edge cases
  • General: Crystal and Dripstone cave can create weird artifacts during the exportation when overlapping with other caves
  • Bedrock: some unexpected blocks can appear, due to errors from the conversion
  • Bedrock: Spawn point is messed up, due to the conversion
  • Bedrock: Minecraft heads won't be converted (fruit trees are affected)
  • Bedrock: south-facing rooted dirt didn't convert correctly
  • Bedrock: Azalea leaves couldn't be correctly converted

1.18 Errors:
Minecraft Server Error: Outofmemoryerror Java Heap Space
You do not have enough RAM to run the server or you ran out of RAM while the server was loading in its processes.




Hello, what are the coordinates of this map?


what are the cords for the center point?


hi, in bedrock, if i want to play the map, do i have to the experimental mode? if yes, which of the options I have should I activate?


the conversion handled that, so its playable, - on java biomes didnt apply so: this map will receive an update as soon as WP 2.9 is officially out