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This is Oxardar,

a huge 16km² realistic diverse multibiome Minecraft Landscape for survival and creative adventures.

Adventure, survive or create, at the most beautiful places in Minecraft and explore all the unique places around the world.

Build a house on a Volcano, or within huge mountains, or survive along the rivers and the woods. Find custom caves, mineshafts, coral reefs, advanced biomes, supporter villages, and more.


ReleasedRelease dateType

  • ✅1st January 2022    Source Files
  • ✅1st January 2022    1.18 Java V1 without additional caves
  • ✅1st January 2022    1.18 Bedrock (Experimental 1.18 Conversion)
  • ✅ 2nd January 2022  1.18 Java V2 with additional caves and Infinite world
  • Full Details page here:  https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/oxardar/

Dev-Alert: Java Map V2 might suffer lags during loading due to chunk update and generation(just save and reload the map :) )


What's new? What's changed?

With each new map i try to develop, evolve or refine a technique. See all my maps as rapid prototype maps.
See how it has developed over time here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/mcmeddons-map-update-history/

  • 📀 Nodes: reworked shores
  • 📀 Nodes: added 100 block sea cliffs
  • 📀 Nodes: flatten and lowered baseland
  • 📀 Nodes: Rivers adjusted (wip)
  • 📀 Nodes: Rivers terrace surrounding (wip)
  • 📀 Nodes: Buffed up the Mesa Mountains
  • 📀 Nodes: Added new alpine mountains variation
  • 📀 Nodes: New more dynamic Snow
  • 📀 Nodes: Refined Diorite& Granite Mountains texturing (wip)
  • 📀 Nodes: Added Glaciers
  • 📀 World: Glaciers are solid ice
  • 📀 World: Testing basic snow without powder snow
  • 📀 World: Made Mesa Mountains solid "mesa" inside, instead of stone (wip)
  • 📀 World: River ground and river banks have now different textures

🚧⚠ Issues / Things to be aware about

As complexity rises, a small tweak or change can have unintended consequences, flaws, be just poor choices, or I maybe hit certain possibility limits of programs. These maps are really complex and hard to make, with dozens of steps and hundreds of layers to apply in the right order. And I'm just a non-magical-wizard boi making sometimes either a poor decision or an unintended mistake, but I want to let you know what might have an impact when playing this world, and here’s what I´ve noticed:

  • - General: The exportation to and from bedrock can have some weird effects on the world, as its pretty untested for edge cases
  • - Java Map V2 might suffer lags during loading due to chunk update and generation(just save and reload the map
  • - General: Crystal and Dripstone cave can create weird artifacts during the exportation when overlapping with other caves
  • - Bedrock: some unexpected blocks can appear, due to errors from the conversion
  • - Bedrock: Spawn point is messed up, due to the conversion
  • - Bedrock: Minecraft heads won't be converted (fruit trees are affected)
  • - Bedrock: south-facing rooted dirt didn't convert correctly
  • - Bedrock: Azalea leaves couldn't be correctly converted




i clicked on the download link and its not showing any files


Got the same issue, drive folder is empty atm, my guess is that it might still be uploading or something.


The original download was disrupted without me noticing - thanks for letting me know!


Is there a way to possibly remove the Patreon names from villagers?


/entitydata @e[type=villager] {CustomName:""} found that on google, but havent tried otherwise, you could also just remove /kill @e[type=villager] in a radius and then replace them with a bunch of vanilla ones, ore maybe Nametags with blank names i guess?


Hi McMeddon. I have to ask. You mentioned that there is problem with animal spawn rate. I would like to have all animals that are in game. But I can see just pigs and sheeps. Is it possible to setup somehow? I know that your map is biome:plains, that is possible issue am I right? Is there any fix for the animals or not? Thank you.


vanilla spawn mechanics still apply, technically a /kill @e[type= here the mobs to kill] could help to reset that, the mobs still have spawned but are just more spread out, which im trying to fix soon alternatively, you can still do more exploration into the vanilla terrain to obtain the missing mobs