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A quick massage and your girlfriend is ready to pass out but it's not a  snuggle session unless you are laying on her chest listening to her  heartbeat, also with rain and soft breathing. Rest well! 💤😴
Script: Giggly Peach
Art: CastellaCroquis





Red XXX00

Super cozy


Me on google: How can a guy not be single at the age 26 with no experience with girls at all? On a side note I don't know if I'm wasting my time away and not go out much cause I honestly all I do is study and work been going to school none stop just to be successful in life but honestly use asmr to not feel lonely at times and I have friends tell me I should put myself out there but I honestly don't know how since I'm introverted. All I really like doing is play legend of zelda on my switch, Work, practice piano, study, and go to libraries, or help out my parents from time to time since honestly I'm the only one there to help them out since my 3 older sisters are all out of the house. I don't know maybe I need to get out more an maybe meet a new person that way, with me having no dating experience at all and not having at least one girlfriend for my past 26 years of life I think I need to make a move now somehow and try to see if I may find honestly yes a significant other but also a friend that I may love and spend time with.


If you want a real answer most often people meet their significant other at the workplace! But please remember your life is complete now, you don't need someone else to validate your existence. Be kind to yourself as you are more than enough <3


Thanks so much for improving my script and bringing it to life! I love the work you do, and I hope everyone here finds someone to share love and support with through life

Adrian Szugye

If the homies find out I'm here I am finished!!! RAAAHHHH 🗣🗣🗣😤😤