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As you settle in your camp for the night, a wolfgirl stumbled into your  tent very delirious and sick. Without hesitating you bring her back to  your apartment and help her while you wait out seeing the doctor in the morning. DON'T PANIC I'M NOT SICK AGAIN, this was from a while back when I was ill at the start of the year. I was not kidding when I said I work hard and never take breaks LOL 

Art: ShiFaTur17




Yo no monthly schedule this time?!?! I must’ve missed something…


Babe wake up the wolf girls are back

PuNcH 1T

probably coming out today or in the next 2 days. a lot of stress because of VAllure ig

David Searle

Time to pamper the poor adorable sick cutie wolfing back to feeling better... oh and some pampering for you to ofc DTL also next time you fall sick like this try warmin 3 cups lemonade with some sliced lemon 3 tsp sugar and 2 honey warm slowly till near boiling.. a recipe my grandma taught me that I use and others said helps with sore throat and flu based illness


Yes siiiir


Thank you, Jamommy

David Searle

Wish stuff like this was mini series instead of cutsie one off stuff ;)

Galaxy Commander

Should take a break at times, mental health is important ya know stay safe tho 🙏

PuNcH 1T

yeah it makes sense. i was checking aswell for the last 2 days. but with VAllure... probably a lot of things to go over.


Super cute! Would like to fuss you about the taking breaks thing tho!


Dtl X taking a break goes hard lads


Kudos for the note Dude, was a little worried for a sec. That being said, if you want to push hard and hammer the work out, you do you. We'll be here to support if you ever want a break.

John Platypus

Please, do take at least some breaks :( You are my favourite content creator and I'd hate to think you are losing strenght because of being overworked.





David Searle

She enjoys making the content to much to stop even when sick she has explained in rambling posts before bless her heart ♥ she's been doing it so long and overworked herself to the point she has damaged her throat silly cutie =/

David Searle

Wolfgirl jokes? Maybe she needs to paws to think harder? It's a ruff job I guess... its definitely knot a joking matter... sorry I will pack it in with the puns ... these bath time rambling sections are nice BTW as it's a nice feeling sharing a bath pampering someone as they tell you about there day <3


Damn, this is so cute, makes me both happy and sad at the same time