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You come home to your girlfriend feeling even worse after a day of work and she is clearly struggling. She asks kindly if you could bathe her as she's pretty weak to do it all herself. Of course, without hestiating you help.

Erm yes... I did work while I was sick... what can I say I'm a really motivated gal! 😏 Don't worry though I'm all better ❤

Intro - 0:00
Bath Running ASMR - 3:00
Water Swirl ASMR - 4:30
Wet Sponge ASMR - 7:30
Hair Brushing ASMR - 10:00
Shampoo ASMR - 12:20
Towel ASMR - 14:20
Hair Dryer ASMR - 16:25
Lotion Massage ASMR - 17:00
Cuddling ASMR - 19:20
Hairplay ASMR - 20:20
Vaporub ASMR - 22:15
Sleepaid, softbreathing, hairplay and skin touching asmr - 24:00 END

Art: ShiFaTur17




Wow I found this before the notification even went out lol


Dont push yourself!! Or do i like content


ASMR… has changed. It's no longer about tingles, calming, or sleep. It's an endless series of videos, made by mercenaries and machines. ASMR--and it's consumption of life--has become a well-oiled machine. ASMR has changed. Keyword-tagged ASMRtists carry Keyword-tagged microphones, use Keyword-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control, information control, emotion control, bedtime control… everything is monitored and kept under control. ASMR… has changed. The age of relaxation has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from Vtubers of mass destruction, and she who controls the audio, controls history. ASMR… has changed. When the audio is under total control, ASMR becomes routine.

PuNcH 1T

Less being ill, more staying in bed and sleeping and drinking tea and everything.

Lord Garrykas

Dude out here like a movie actor doing thier own stunts despite the directors protest. Like sure it's more authentic, but please you got 1 voice box! Take care of yaself

Oneiro Agori

Whatever goth gf wants..... Goth gf gets


Gotta love reverse comfort


Is it too much to ask for a goth girlfriend to take care of? But damn, did you really come up with this idea while you were sick or did you wait to get sick to finally work on this idea? :D

Jeff Prime

The hair talk 😩❤️


oh to care for my girlfriend (am single af)


question, is this related to the “new roommate is your childhood friend”? just wondering since both used to be friends in kindergarten and split off


Your sleep schedule is scuffed to all hell, you've done irreparable damage to your voice and continue to strain it on a regular basis, you push yourself to work even while feeling like absolute dog shite, all to bring us goobers 112 audios, 13 peices of artwork and 12 irl vids in 2023 on patreon alone...while ALSO helping start up/invest in a vtuber agency. Then you charge pocket change for it all because, "you can't justify charging any more"... God woman, leave some of that Giga chad energy for the rest of us would you?


Must protecc Goth GF!!!


love you


Its not actually but I may have accidently reused something I've thought of before, woopsies!


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Kojima-sama is the source of all great memes.


crying in my room


Man my yawning was on par with yours. Don’t I love listening to your voice, it helps me sleep.


Listened to This sick as well