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Your new roomate knocks on the door. Only... you instantly recognize her  but she doesn't. You instantly hit it off together but since you're all  grown up now. Then tension is very apparent and all the feelings for  each other rush to the surface when she accidently brushes her hand on  your thigh...

Art: Junowari / Script: CopinAudio / Edit: SuperRad



Mr Hmm

This reminds me of my childhood friend when i was younger. I would go visit my dad and we would play and hang out all the time, but after my grandma died, they moved away and i didn't visit my dad much after that. I haven't been able to reach her since then, i think she doesn't use her old email address anymore.


Did you hire a new artist recently or something? Because this picture and the recent goth gf look SO good and distinct from how you’re normally portrayed


Not that you aren’t normally portrayed well, you are, this one just looks good in a different way


truly hope you manage to get ahold of her eventually