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You find yourself approched by a tipsy tomboy who's having a good time but she learns quickly you live very far away from the partys location. She insists on inviting you back around to hers and before you know it you're sharing body warmth, in close proximity and she's gunning for what's in your pants... 

Art: iron_curtainz

Script: Nosavue 




Truly a homie for emptying out another homie before a good night's rest 👊


the gremlin 'tude voice acting like at the start is PEAK


Is it wrong to say I would LOVE a wholesome alt ending for this one haha. Seriously tho, absolutely fantastic work, Dude! Hope you are well and taking care of yourself <3


Fuck that sounded so nasty I think I’m in love 10/10 if a gal was like that to me I’d have to marry em

Brandon Collins

Man, This one gets me going quite a bit. Just the soft little dorky interactions and the way she teases. Makes the viewer focus on them. *just right*

Body Pillow (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-14 04:47:57 “She starts gunning for what’s in your pants” you keep your hands off my Pokémon deck
2024-01-17 02:49:44 “She starts gunning for what’s in your pants” you keep your hands off my Pokémon deck. Edit: don’t really like editing comments that blow up but all I got to say is stop liking this. I was drunk when I posted it

“She starts gunning for what’s in your pants” you keep your hands off my Pokémon deck. Edit: don’t really like editing comments that blow up but all I got to say is stop liking this. I was drunk when I posted it


Wow the script in this one was so good I love the party scene it actually reminded me of my friend having a similar moment! He just never made it to her place, too drunk😂