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The first night moving out with your roomate, it appears you both can't sleep at the moment. She brings up a potential platonic snuggle session. Later on... she takes you up on the offer and sneaks into your bed. 

Art: adz1920




Today is my birthday🎉 thank you for the audio


Nice acting

Lachlan Parker

This is basically a dream scenario. Apart from needing prompts to get things done, I would take care of the chores for both of us every single day. I may only get a pension (not age pension), but I refuse to be a parasite on any woman.

Lachlan Parker

Hearing about your struggles maintaining friendships breaks my heart. I have had the same issue my entire life. Plus, I remember you briefly mentioning something similar a while ago.


More platonic snuggling? Yes, please! These bring back fond memories. 😊


Sometimes all you need is a cuddle buddy, someone to help remind you that you ain't alone in the world as you slowly drift out of it.. Also bowling is great! Though, it'd be better if I didn’t keep ripping part of my thumbnail off each time I went, 😩💀


Dtl has been the goto for asmr of All kind no matter if im horni(shes super cute btw) or if im a subby bitch that needs some pampering and sleep , dtl never dissapointed. Asmr had a real big part in my life recently thus im happy to See all this quality content of someone i grown to really like and want to support


DTL you really manage to click all the right trigger buttons ! Thanks for making such awesome content! <3

Unsc Helljumper

200 wholesome posts in total let's fucking go.


This was just the most wholesome and sweet! Amazing Job DTL


The thumbnail looks fantastic


I am so curious if I will hit 1,000 audios one day, there's a lot of lewd ones that can't be ounted over here :P

Batman's Pet Goldfish

Feeling a little called out because this is me to a T. In a good way though.


The artist did amazing, it was for a collab artwork but I realized that I could just use me solo and save some money and put it towards my house fund 😩

Kronk's Stronk Stonks

That opening insomnia monologue hits different when you're staring at the ceiling exhausted but unable to sleep 4 hours before the alarm goes off for work...


Such a comfy audio


DTL coming in clutch to help me sleep


love this


If this ever happened to me, the little spoon might get startled when I randomly "Huuuuuuuuh" snore right into their head xD


Okay, Pink, DTL and Vunya all made reference towards D&D. Coincidence? I think not