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This month I don't have any collabs ugh the shame! The horror but well... I won't post any spoilers but hold your breath for next month if you like the duo action 😏 I was actually wondering if you guys enjoy the lewd collabs I do sometimes? The reason I have way more wholesome is that it's very difficult to mesh together two lewd voices who cannot have a back and forth with one another. That doesn't mean I will never try again though. I could maybe aim for that in Jan 2023? 😅 They will most likely be patreon exclusives as the other guest VA will be more willing to accept if we can both put up our collab on our patreons! Hope your summer is going great so far, I've already had sun burn twice from being so pale 😢


Get Singed

NSFW isn't really to my taste, odd as that may be, but go for it if it's what everyone else likes

Johnny Tightlips

Those pale cheeks need a high SPF, you'll be blinding the locals

Josh Lambert

I absolutely love your work. Lewd, collabs, lewd collabs, the works. Probably my favorite is when you collab with MamaMoldova (formerly known as Varyunya). Keep up your amazing work, and please layer sunscreen!! Being burnt really sucks!

Ham Shatan

Hey Dude, hope you're doing fine! Also lewd collabs ? Sign me in!


I love the lewd colabs but whatever you manage to make I'll listen to


Can’t wait for a fairy to come give me a concussion


Damm rip sun burns i am visting mexico for a month and forgot about mosquitos currently 6 bites in 3 days


I love it when you duo lewd with Vary! Also this schedule sounds so hot

Tuesday M

You said “it's very difficult to mesh together two lewd voices who cannot have a back and forth with one another” — why not record at the same time while on a call (capturing the mic audio locally of course), and then stitch together the two contiguous recordings, like how many podcasts do it? :)


I do understand what your saying but it simply wouldn’t work out. Live recording is a whole other hell scape I have avoided LOL X_X


Got spanked in public for causing a car crash from the glare off me :(


Tell me about sun burn lol I’m ginger


More futa and Furry content? Oh how you spoil us~