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Although appearing rather rude it seems like she's just trying to give you some tough love. Wait... are concussion fairies real? Are they a thing? How hard did you hit your head...? 

Artist: lophyart




I'll be honest and say I haven't listen to this yet (just got the chance) but you may have the wrong tag on this.... Unless I'm mistaken but it reads May of 22


Changed it! I had scheduling issues so pushed this one back :)


The concussion fairy huh? I was never taught about her in my medical training. Perhaps she is related to the absinthe fairy?

Lucas Morales

Okay. What you're doing there is jumping. You just... you just jumped. But nevermind. Say 'Apple'. 'Aaaapple.' (Yes, yes i looked it up) hahahaha i loved that reference


i love when it's a rude character who ultimately means well! nice job with the voice acting, especially that part where you were all exhausted or whatever (it's been a few hours since i listened haha)


Portal 2 id be jumping to




This one was very reminiscent of typical asmr video, very nice


Love it the flutters almost sound like bird chirps that’s pretty stinkin cool! And the cutesy voice HA so convincing I can almost see the big ol puppy dog look, this one is great!


Where’s the lewd audio vampire milf ❤️‍🔥

Yuu Asaki

Totally misread that as "Conclusion Fairy" at first and was confused why it was wholesome. LOL


...concussion fairy, huh? *looks at wall* I mean..not the stupidest idea I've ever had.. *prepares best kool aid man impression, head first* Loved the references Dude and that scalp attention? 👌, I'm in spaace!

Da J

I kinda realized the wings look like Ears