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Any... CONTENT CONSUMERS?! (Psst that's you!) Let's inspect what's going on this month 😎

BEST WHOLESOME WINNER - Erm... The brushing your worries away is quite sweet although I do know some people get tired of the GF roleplays and shit so might not be your cup of tea. The bear girl is cute though. Art work is purposfully gonna annoy a few people. I got a racconn girl to look like a bear. If you're a weeb you'll know what I mean when the video gets released LOL.

BEST LEWD WINNER - The Bully Alt ending counts right? IDK I've been going feral for bully. I think I just like playing the dom role that kinda has a secret soft spot for you? I can't stop it. It's too cute not to rewrite a billion scenarios about it.

P.S I hate heartbeat audios cause my resting pulse is never actually relaxing :))))))

Just a reminder due to patreons artwork updates I'm slowly phasing out not using thumbnail art with the audios so soon your feed will just be me giving you a thumbs up. Lovely. LOL.

Bit of a boring update but I'm going to be turning patreon comments off in the next few audios. Please don't think it's anything at all you have done or like not commenting enough. It's nothing like that. It's actually been a weird wave of harassment on and off. IDK if it's just I've been in the game for so long people are comfy with like straight up insulting me under my own content. I normally remove the comments ASAP so thankfully you guys aren't subjected to it too. You might have noticed the same on Youtube, people can still comment but I accept a few here and there to actually show up. Even with the checking method I'll just wake up to see feedback on a new video and it's just insults left and right. IDK if there's a weird internet shift recently or I'm just getting a little unlucky. As you can imagine firing out all this content I need to be able to focus on stuff to the best of my ability and not worry too much about comments. I know it's easy to brush it off and don't get me wrong most days it bounces off my fat ass 😏 I'm just at the stage where it's best to PROTECC overall. Hopefully that made sense but yeah.

Did you hear about VAllure? IT'S LIKE THIS SUPER AWESOME VTUBER AGENCY THAT MAKES AUDIO PORN THAT'S CRAZY. THAT SOUNDS LIKE WHAT I DO! Oh wait I funded it lmao 😏 Go subscribe. The girls come out next month on June 1st. I'll be streaming before them actaully doing an ASMR stream on youtube believe it or not! I'll make a reminder closer to the time! 💙

But yeah thanks for all the love, I just realized that bunny plot on the 14th seems like a recent one but I'm pretty sure it's just the same title not the same plot heh. Other than that, life is looking peachy 🍑 I hope you have a nice month, enjoy any early flowers that may bloom. Watch some bumblebees buzz in the garden and find some yummy yummy fruit juice for yourself! I recently found a mango drink and it's BUSSIN 😩💦

P.S I didn't spell check this once good luck <3






Please keep us updated with vallure, that’s super interesting and fascinating that this project is blooming ! Awesome 😎


I kinda get it, working customer service anytime u have a bad interaction it saps your soul a lil and kills ur motivation. Thanks i hope it’s a nice month but it is snowing here rn 😂 You’ve been giving us a lot of that good shit lately dood, keep it up! Dont forget to take time off from the grind tho.


I didn't know there was a wave of hate comments, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I've been enjoying your content a lot though and appreciate your work. VAllure sounds pretty cool, looking forward to it

schizo steve

Another month of amazing DTL content Splendid.


Aye! Audio on my birthday let's fucking go


I love you DTL 🥺😭😩😫 stay strong ❤️❤️❤️


Oh wow. We're sorry for your experience, DTL. You deserve a safe creative working environment, free from any form of abuse. I do hope you mull over/consider not shutting down the Patreon comments section. In the absence of a Discord channel, this serves as a place for you to get the pulse of patrons through polls and comments. It's just sad that there's some who abuse it. Shutting it down would also mute the supportive majority. Just my 2 cents.

Benjamin Rodriguez

Go see Boy Kills World. Just wondering what the movie would sound like with Dude as Skarsgaard's inner monologue instead of H Jon Benjamin.

Mary Lamb

oh no 😯


That’s crazy 🤯


Been seeing more and more creators post about their chat bullying them. Might be just me, but I think we're seeing a trend of people watching good friends teasing each other while streaming and chatters thinking that means it's ok for them to do the same. It ain't and you got enough on your plate as it is without dealing with that shise, so hope it stops sooner then later for ya


Looks like we're getting another amazing month of DTL! So looking forward to it all. You're not the first one to bring up the topic of harassment as I've seen it happening recently in the community. There is never a place for harassment and I do hope the situation gets better. It's quite sad to see that some people just can't behave like normal human beings. I'm stoked to see what VAllure will bring to the table and are cheering you on full force for that! Keep up the amazing work, DTL! And keep being the badass girl boss that you are 🙌

Adrian Szugye

I for one very much enjoy your heartbeat audios

Hellsing's pet vampire

Why would people write hate commons that's so mean😢. Also, are you live stream the asmr video the day VAllu goes live, or is that a surprise.... asking for a friend😅. Your fans are looking forward to June 1st and can't wait to see how amazing it will be. Thank you for being an amazing person, and hopefully your not overworked and can find time to chill with everything going on in your life as you always help us relax.


Always appreciate you letting us know what's up even though you don't have to. It feels like a lot of ASMR/RP creators have been dealing with an abundance of toxicity lately. It's always good to remove mental stresses from time to time to keep the brain bean healthy. Looking forward to the brushes, and will need to use my good headphones for the 18th. My sleep ones suck when it comes to heartbeat stuff. And is that a mutual milking I spy on the 21st? 😏


I miss the discord server. Even though it’s been years lmao


It's absolutely wild to me that someone becomes a Patreon and giving you money just to write some mean comments... I hope you can permaban them based on their payment method so they can only do it a couple of times tops


I understand having to read bad comments is not a good time investment. Do what's best for you 👍 Thanks for the content Dude, here's a flower to show my support 🌷💙 And a mango so you can make more drinks 🥭🍹

PapiLynx (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-04 18:08:16 Always excited for more content coming from the goat 🙏❤️
2024-04-30 12:24:54 Always excited for more content coming from the goat 🙏❤️

Always excited for more content coming from the goat 🙏❤️


The time has come DTL is on her way to becoming a Vtuber


Some people have nothing to do with their time and just spread hate, huh? How anyone could hate on a good, goofy goober like you is beyond me. Hopefully they go away while the comments are turned off. Mental health and peace are important. 💙 The 14th being word for word and exact match is interesting, looking forward to see how different they are. The 25th sounds like it could be sequel to the bully audio from January, pretty sure the ending said she'd get you in trouble!


Ight bro who's being hateful I just wanna talk to them. But uhhh am a sucker for shy gf type of stuff so YEPPIII but fr ik you said you have the fat juicy ass deflection perk but I hope it ain't getting to ya I gib mango


Thank you for all the content DTL. I'm not in a place where the internet can be used for lewd things, for a while. You're probably saving my mental sanity.

Oneiro Agori

Harassment is never ok, so if you gotta turn off comments, then you gotta turn em of. Excited to see your pride and joy vtubing agency come to life during June! Can't wait to see what else you cook up for the future, gl Holmes! ✊


I'm sorry to hear things have gotten this bad. Keep your chin up. I know it'll be tough. But I'm sure you can pull through!


Oh and as for the haters, I'm sorry you have to read them. I dont think there's a single audio you've done that hasn't been top tier. You're the best. 😊

Ted toggleson

I wish there was some futa, but your cooking either way.

Richard Hardslab

Weird that people are just *finding* content like yours to bad mouth in the comments, sorry to hear it. Also, it's sleet today so no flowers or bees for me!


Imagine paying for patreon and sending hateful comments, just unsub if its not ur cup. Personally i love your content especially the futa ones 🤣


I wish Patreon had a mute option like Youtube so I can get paid and never see any comments LOL


Literally people go out of their way to click on a Youtube video OR OR sign up and give me literal hard earned money to insult me and it's like bruh there's only so much mental HP I've got HA


Even if you don't love every single audio, that doesn't warrant hate. You cater to a pretty wide variety of tastes. I like to support creators I like even if not every audio lands with me. If it’s not my thing, I leave it be. God, people are lame.


You be doing great :p


I most definitely can’t let the boys know I fw this 🗣️🔥🔥💯. Now with you turning off the comments in can’t let out my mental vacuum on you, but I guess that’s nothing to be sad about. Stay strong or smth idk 💪


I came straight up from the block. I watched my grandpa say penis 😔


I guess that means the VAllure auditions etc. are all wrapped up now then?

Sierra Bravo

Sorry to hear you're getting toxic attention. You do what you have to do to stay focused. Thanks for the awesome content!


My guess for the increased wave of hate content is that it's probably coming from tiktoks that have your audios as the sound, and people find out who made the audio and come here to hate

David Searle

Sorry for the harassment you receive all the time even though you have been hiding it... people on the Internet feel like they get a free pass to be a holes ...they are just jealous of the fact you are so comfortable being you .. such a cute adorable hardworking lewd minx but we appreciate you being who you are that's why so many of us follow and appreciate all the effort hard work that goes into the process of content making,,well most of us that can you know..atleast act like a human being not a rabbit Karen hate poster ...just remember that despite anything hurtful or hateful you see daily that there's people who do appreciate you!,, not just the content you post but the real you behind the screen <3


Is it like a trend to randomly just post hate? Cause I've seen some community posts from other asmrtist talking about the recent explosion is hate. It's really disappointing that it's even happening in the first place and the fact that its happening to people who put alot of time and effort into it. But I understand disabling the comment just sucks we won't be able to give feedback :((


Thanks for the earlicking video it's a nice Birthday gift lol