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🗣New Month! Same fucking me! 🗣

Well well well if it isn't April? Do you want to know why April is significant? It's DTL's birthday and she will be 5 years old officially. Holy fuck. Where do I ever begin to put words together to say thank you?! The fact is, for me words are NEVER enough but showing it back in terms of content is. I hope after all the years of stumbling about that I have managed to produce some 10/10 audios for you. Even if they are a lil quirky or I stuttered through a word here or there or just left in an entire burp in an audio (Looking at you Tomboy Catches You Watching ASMR...) I know normally I would do a raffle and the winners would get custom audios that are publicly posted and I am sorry to disappoint anyone who expected that. That also brings me to speaking of Spooktober or any Events for this year. As it stands right now, I don't think DTL will be getting an event this year. I do plan on an absolutely insane mega one though in the future that all comes with animated artwork. I am happy to have an open discussion about value on my patreon but I try to keep my price of $5 fair and reflect what you get. TBH Events are bonus content on top of my already pretty tight schedule + fighting vocal damage. I do hope you can understand, god this is such a downer update I'm sorry 😭

TYME FOR CANTENT TALK - In this lovely beautiful month I have for you my saucy vote for Egirl Takes Your Viriginity For Discord Nitro, it is exactly the type of shitpost content I'd like to make 24/7 but I understand that doesn't quite pay the bills so don't worry I'll be professional with other stuff :p My adorable vote is for... Girlfriend Gives ASMR Session. It's actually another birthday type one. I got two scripts both of good quality so put them one month apart, seems like a lot of you guys are born around this time of year. CURIOUS. 👁👅👁

A side note is I have been scheduling up some content for way in the future as I took some commissions a while back and could release them later. I sometimes make a fucky wucky and post them now by accident which leads you to getting an email/notification about it but when you click it's been deleted. THIS IS BY DESIGN. I am so thankful for anyone reporting to me there might be an error as I do genuinely find problems with my content that way but I kindly ask 🙇‍♀️ to check out he monthly schedule and check it doesn't say bonus. If it's not in the schedule and there's no bonus audio mention then it really is an upload mistake. I hope I don't come across as a scolding mother or anything of that nature but I messed up twice recently and the result was 50+ DMS asking where these audios are. PLEASE DON'T FEEL BAD if you asked about it! It's perfectly natural to wonder where the heck it is lol! This is the first time I'm just kindly addressing to not DM unless you're sure it's a missing audio/major error! Again DO NOT feel bad if you DM or left a comment it's fine!

Patreon's Policy Updates: If you didn't know Gumroad was recently taken offline so to speak for the NSFW world. Patreon have updated their policy a little recently but it is making me slightly nervous for what the future may hold here. This particular update there was a very grey area about lewd artwork. There was a circulating post on X (formally Twitter) about how a tear in the 'receiving' womans eye may be against ToS due to implications. Sadly because of this I am rather apprehensive about our artwork uploads that I do on the 9th as well as audio previews I upload. I will continue with them as usual for now but you may notice as time goes on there is also no longer a preview imagine with the audios. This is sadly to protect me so I hope it's understandable. As for the monthly fanart upload I think it may expire after this year and instead I will opt to do it on X to ensure everything is above board here 🤝

Erm did I mention VAllure enough yet? You sick of it yet? Can't wait to see your face in June when they debut then! For now if you want to be a massive help you can watch the trailer and give the Youtube Channel a cheeky sub! I'll be doing a livestream on the day with live ear licks and saying your name but we can talk about that later as it approches!

I think that's everything and I haven't missed anything...? I could have possibly? But for now I don't think so... I'm sure I'll remember one thing and panic but IM WORKING ON IT HEHE




Dude that burps. Patreon keeps getting worse and worse. 😩


April 4th is actually my birthday so looking forward to the audio that day😂

Oneiro Agori



Thanks for all your hard work Dude, and happy 5 years of the good stuff👍 Excited to see all that you have planned!!


Words cannot describe the magnitude for how much hype I have for April 11th 😩Oh lord may the passing days go with haste 🙏

Penitent one

It's incredible that it has been 5 years now, even though I've only stumble into your content for a year or so, it really is impressive the amount of work that you put on your audios. Don't feel bad that about events and all, I mean I'm sure that you will have you plate pretty full this year, if anything thank you always for the effort that you put on your content, memey or not I love it all the same!

Dylan Campbell

Good lord we eating well this month boys and girls


Have you released the personal audios yet?


5 years are crazy, but i think you are eating good with your fans. Very deserved🗣️‼️


I’m happy to have been here for the 4 of 5 years you’ve been active. I’ve probably said this a few times, but there have been a lot of audios you’ve put out that helped me get through several sleepless nights and I wish I could thank you with more than giving you money and not be given the simp role. I wish you good health with your vocal damage and further success as you continue to produce content for your pups, and as always don’t stress yourself out. 💙🤍🖤


It's still crazy to me the amount of times I've stumbled upon your DTL content in the past but just didn't stick around because it just so happened to be "not my cup of tea" at the time. Then I found your DTW stuff a couple years ago through a collab, and I've been stuck in for it all since. Congrats on 5 years, and as always, thank you for all the content. Speaking of, this month looks like a feast. I've got my eyes primarily on the 11th, 14th, and 18th (please work 🙏). Also interested in the 21st now that you've said it's a bit of a "shitpost" audio. 😂 Edit: Adding in, that I'm fine with you doing what you have to to keep your patreon safe. 🙏 Again, congrats and thank you. 🎉💙


What was your reasoning for making/investing in VAllure? If I did something like that, it would be just because I wanted more friends tbh lmao. Honestly good for you having the confidence to do that. I don’t mean that sarcastically btw, I bet it takes a lot of courage to organize and something like that. Obviously the results show you have that courage, know what you want, are definitely doing it and that everyone involved is working hard as well, It will pay off, I’m sure of it. Good luck to everyone involved. Y’all might not need it though. Wishing you good health and a happy easter as well (it’s still Easter technically where I am)

Hellsing's pet vampire

It would be hard to fine someone else who has done 5 years of none stop 10 out of 10 content. I found your content a while ago and its been nothing but amazing, and has help me alot. Congratulations on the mile stone and cheers to the next one, and for VAllure.💜😄🩵


Udderly brilliant title for the 7th


"Bully thigh locks you" is probably gonna be my fav and reading the NITRO title had me laughing like bruh ain't no way she gonna steal my v card for some nitro. But I've only been a member for about 7 months wish I got into ASMR earlier so I could've supported you for a long time but early congrats on turning 5 DTL and can't wait for the vtuber stuff. (Also don't worry about events you do so much as is gotta gib dat cute voice a rest)


14th and 27th audios gonna be on replay I can already tell


You’re awesome and your content is amazing! Thank you

fortnut anime anime anime

Is the milf one the part two the the jacking of while watching your milf neighbour?


Hell yeah these audios look awesome!!! Hope VAllure launches smoothly!!!


Bully thigh locks you sounds like a good time, but the discord one sounds like it'll be a hoot 😄 Thank you for the updates, thank you for the years of awesome content, thank you for putting up with us goobers, but most importantly just thank you, 😌

pio josefina

You are the best DTL, as long as your voice and your stories are the main thing everything will be fine


No lie DTL, The Duo Slime girl ASMR with Yuna.... dont remember how long ago you 2 made it.... but it was a 100/10. Whenever you have no idea what to make, and want to just be silent, calm, or sneak around back and whisper in our ears, Slime girl would most definitely be wished for.

Body Pillow

Holy shit. Milf, goth, ear eating, monster girl, and squirt all in one month?? What did we do to deserve all this treatment


Happy 5 years, DTL! I've been following you for about a year now and it feels a lot longer. From the DTW sleep-aid, to sweet RPs, all the way to the sussy DTL ones, you've produced banger after banger! You've also put out a lot of bonus content. Thank you for all of them! You more than deserve some rest for that voicebox of yours. It's such a shame what's happening to platforms all around because payment processors dislike certain things but you've been through worse and you've always come out on top. This won't be any different. 💙 That MILF audio on the 7th wouldn't happen to be a sequel to that "MILF on Tinder" audio you did recently would it?

schizo steve

Thanks for all the content you've been making


Happy 5 years, DTL! May there be many more years of great audios! I may be but a wee bab in this community but I've loved every second that I've been here. Adored everything I've experienced so far and also some of the older stuff that I went back and listened to. You're an amazing creator and an absolute sweetie and gem of a person and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You're doing an amazing job and between this patreon and all your other projects, you're doing an excellent job. I wish nothing but the very best in your endeavour with VAllure too. I'm rooting for its launch and success and I'm sure many others are as well. The patreon changes are definitely concerning but I'm hoping for the best. Should things change in the future, I'll go wherever you may take your content! And now back to the topic at hand, it seems we have another very exciting month. I'm so looking forward to the audios coming on the 11th and 21st in particular but I'm sure the rest will be absolute bangers as well! Keep up the amazing work, DTL!


Okay that milf one is definitely going to crack me up no doubt about that

John Platypus

Happy birthday! I'm quite new here, but I'm enjoying every minute of your content! I hope that no matter what the future brings, you will still keep having fun with making more audios and bring us more joy! ...Although, now that I know that your birthday is April 1st, I'm starting to suspect this channel is just one big, elaborate April Fools joke, that noone have found out yet.


Happy 5 years! :3

broseph cobra

Happy birthday DTL. I love your audios and you do what you have to do either for your health or betterment of your situation.


5 years?! I’ve been paying attention to you and subscribed since I think late 2020, it’s nuts to think I’ve been here for most of your audio career! Thank you so much for helping me feel less lonely (and also blow lots and lots of loads holy shit lmao)


I have, please DM if you haven't got it. I do recommend checking your junk :)


I often get asked help by other content creators so much that it kind of made sense to have girls I directly endorse and help out as much as I can. I want to help others make their dreams possible when being a content creator. There are tons of other decisions as well!


Holy f--k you've been at this for some time and still doing great work if not better. Honestly looking forward to VAllure as you you have proven that you put your everything into what you do. So take care and get some rest whenever you can. (I can imagine it's gonna be very busy once things are rolling)


Happy 5 years let's go! 🥳 You're awesome dude, you keep up with all your projects and add even more to the plate, your level of energy, diligence and consistency is admirable. I'll definitely take the front seats at Vallure's debut! I'll be rooting and waving my glow-sticks ✨


O 5 years! Let's gooooo! I'm one of the birthmonth bros. lol May Arlecchino, watch over all us Knaves.


Happy 'birthday' DTL! You say that like the quirks aren't absolutely endearing; they are. Definitely not sick of it; when do the VAllure girls find out if they've got through the first round?


Happy Anniversary!


Congratz D you a champ! Happy fellow April bday! Appreciate everything you do both whole who and le lew. Such massive talent, no downers here, just big ups and respect all round. Good things, great things, no doubts, I'm grateful and happy to be a part of. BIG TINGS!


I must say, you’re one of the few people where i say that I admire the person you are. The time I stumbled across you, I was like „oh well just another woman selling herself for some money“, and technically it’s kind of true to be honest. BUT I DONT MEAN THAT IN AN OFFENSIVE WAY! This here on Patreon is just 5€ and also not a must-have. Furthermore all the content you upload here is also coming to other platforms (except the exclusive ones of course), and it’s also well made. Yeah I mean, of course these stories aren’t real, like no girl will come up to you and say „yo, you lookin hot today, let me suck your dick“. But no porn or audio roleplay has realistic settings. And also, you were the first one I actually listened to, and since then I’m kinda stuck to this kind of content, so congrats on that I guess. You’re also not some girl that just fakes her personality (at least I hope so, but you seem pretty real to me) and is like „oh you’re all my pookies, and let’s have much fun together“. I’m also commenting on almost every you post you make 😭, so I might be a bit delusional, but I can live with that. Nonetheless, keep up the good work and do what you can do best!


I'm sure you know this, but you may want to look into SubscribeStar as a patreon alternative. I've heard it's not quite as good, but they seem far more open to nsfw content. May also want to look into backing up the YT archives to other services as well.




I have seen them do some shady things, forth wall are probably my next bet if patreon were to fall apart. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though!


I am suddenly looking forward to the eleventh. And also, congrats on the anniversary! ^^

Rex Lupus

DTL says “hope I don't come across as a scolding mother” and I’m like, maybe that’s what I wanted all along 😉

Blake Suggs

That’s a cute picture, but what flavor is the pie? All I see is cream…


Couldn't think of any better reason then that. If more folks could help those who are interested, the better. If your already doing that for folk, makes sense to do it officially. You have the experience DTL, and that is worth more then money imo. Goes for any job really, I'm sure they will be in good hands.

David Searle

To be honest I find it really messed up how instead of being adult about..Well anything in life if you don't like don't click or look or listen then duh! Has been replaced by Karen society of "I don't like it so no one should see it " mentality... leave us alone in our quiet space with DTL's content and honestly quirky but cute personal touch to things please move along if it's not for you..it's not hard to just leave people doing nothing wrong alone.. everyone is different with different tastes instead of invading peoples space respect boundaries, tastes, diversity and rights to be who they are ..... sorry for random rant and hypocrisy a little but world works better when people just showed more respect to each other as a curtesy