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Aerith is right Cloud, the dress really does suit you ^^
Another commission for a follower who wishes to remain anonymous. Honestly this is one of the hardest things I've ever drawn :S. Not the poses, the outfits. I spent like 80% of of the time working on this just drawing thoses dresses haha. Came out quite well though :3

Also have an idea for a more kinky  "what happens next" artwork. Which you may see  at some point if I have time ^.^
Now I dont really know Final Fantasy that well, I've barely played it. But even i have to admit, Couds is cute :P So I do enjoy drawing him





Cloud's a real cutie. Crossdressing and Bondage are the cherries on top


The dress most definitely suits him, shame you cant play the whole game with him dressed like that, there must be a mod? XD