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Way back on Halloween (when this prompt was supposed to be done) Dani went off trick or treating with Sam. Leo wanted to go with them. But Alex had grounded him and put him in the naughty corner (a dog cage in the basement)..
The night before, as the boys were preparing for their night of spooky fun. Leo thought it would be fun to prank Dani. He had set up a little trap over the house's back door. A bucket of water full of fake spiders. Eagerly the mischievous German femboy sat crouched behind a bin giggling. He had called Dani to meet him on the old station platform.
Unfortunately for his little plan though, Dani came out the side door, making Leo jump as he approached from an unexpected direction.. His little prank had failed. So he went to disarm it. However just as he approached the door, Alex walked out to sit in the garden with his brand-new laptop. Leo froze as the bucket fell right on top of him. Drenching him and the laptop. Which instantly made a pop noise and turned off in sparks..
Leo's instant thought was to try and say it wasn't him. But he had been living with Dani and Alex for a year now. He knew from experience lying to Alex was pointless, as he could see straight through them..
So he just nervously smiled as the furious drenched Dom glared at him. After a long and hard spanking, that lasted about 2 hours. The little troublemaker, with his bottom almost glowing red, was locked in a cage. Where he was told he would spend the next 24hrs. Meaning he would miss trick or treating with Dani and Sam. Though given how pissed Alex looked as he sat hair-drying his laptop, I'd say he got off lightly..
The next day though after having fun trick or treating, Witch boy Dani and Vampire Sam returned with their little plastic pumpkins overflowing with sweets. Eager to show off and make their caged friend jealous they went to show Leo. Who of course wasn't too pleased.
Meanwhile Alex had just managed to get his laptop working again. He walked down to the basement to release Leo. Placing the laptop on the counter he proceeded to unlock the cage. As Dani and Sam were playing catch with a giant gummy worm. Just as Leo crawled out of the cramped little dog cage. Dani threw the giant worm to Sam, but completely missed. The 3LB lump of candy slapped right into the laptop. knocking it flying off the counter. Smashing onto the concrete floor.
Dani nervously said. "Oops.. er, I'm sure its fine Master.. heheh.." It wasn't..
Sam bid a hasty retreat as Alex grabbed Dani. Looks like his butt was ready for the spanking, but looking at his pumpkin full of sweets, he had an idea. Dani shares everything with Leo, clothes, bondage gear, sex toys. They even share toothbrushes (mainly because Dani is ditsy and keeps forgetting which one is his) One thing Dani absolutely won't share though is his candy. The sweet-toothed little femboy is fiercely territorial with it.
So, seeing that Dani had just been tormenting Leo about him not getting any candy. Alex decided his punishment would be to let Leo try and persuade him to share.
So the rules were Leo could use any means he wanted to in order to get Dani to let him have some of the candy. He wasn't allowed to just take any, Dani had to actually agree.
Leo quickly set to work as Alex just pulled up a chair to watch. Knowing how perverted Leo was, and how stubborn Dani was when it came to his candy. It was going to be an entertaining show :)

Silly little story for a silly artwork :3
And so ends Kinktober 2023! Better late than never. I actually got this one finished in the same year though! Just.. Been a fun little challenge :). Though now its done and out the way I can finally focus on other stuff.
Like Commissions, which I'll be starting in Jan. And you guys get first dibs being supporters ^.^
I'll have a commission sheet up soonish.
In the meantime, wishing you all an amazing a fun New Year! ^.^
I'll be back on Tuesday usual time. maybe Wednesday as I'm gonna be busy for the next few days with random crap, mainly getting drunk on New Years eve, easily done. I'm a lightweight so like 2 weak Vodka cokes floor me XD  
Anywho, see you guys next year <3



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