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After the convention, Alex and Milly headed to work at the MI6 HQ. Leo and Sam needed to head home so hopped on a train. Leaving just little Dani alone in his hotel room.
Almost immediately, he got bored.. Alex would be back later that night to drive them home, but until then, what to do?
The thought had crossed his mind to go and explore London. However Alex had specifically told him to stay out of trouble. Something which Dani seems to be a magnet for. So he thought it best to just chill in the hotel room. It was a rather strange hotel. The rooms had bondage gear, sex swings and restraints. It belonged to one of Milly's friends. So of course it wasnt going to be a normal hotel.
With the bondage gear Dani decided to have a play on it. But first, he'd been wearing his little latex Fallout jumpsuit for 2 days straight. As much as he loved the feeling of being sweaty in tight latex, he thought it best to take it off, clean it and have a bath. Getting out of the tight suit was extremely difficult. It had practically bonded to him. Eventually though he managed to get it off.
Dani gave the suit a quick clean then left it to dry as he began to run himself a bath. Being Dani though he got distracted talking to Leo on his phone. Sam had fallen asleep on the train so naturally Leo had drawn peens all over his face. So was facetiming Dani to show him. While the boys were happily talking, behind Dani water was beginning to slowly seep out from under the bathroom door....

Eventually Leo had to hang up, as Sam, now awake, was trying to strangle him after seeing his reflection in the train window. As he hung up Dani noticed a strange groaning noise coming from behind him. Turning round he saw the water and instantly remembered the bath! Quickly he ran over to check on it. just then there was a knock at the door. He quickly opened it thinking it might be Alex. But it was the hotel manager. One of Milly's dominatrix friends. Apparently guests in the room below had noticed the ceiling dripping, and wondered if there was a problem. Dani nervously smiled and said. "No mam" no problems". Just then the creaking bathroom door suddenly burst open, and tsunami knocked Dani and the Manager flying into the hallway. The torrent poured out and spilled down the stairs into the hotels lobby 3 floors below.
Dani lifted his head up, and realised he was on top of the manager, who was now looking furious.. Dani just smiled nerviously and said. "I.. may've slightly overfilled the bath"..

Oh Dani, what will we do with you XD
This kinda follows on from 20, where the boys went to a ComicCon in London. Alex when will you learn. NEVER leave Dani on his own! o.0
This was the artwork that got destroyed by a corrupted file, so I pretty much had to restart it from scratch.. annoying, but at least its done.
Anywho, thanks for supporting me guys ^^

Minor edit, I added the hi res of the DA version with his little pink undies :3




Oh, damn, this is nice. Wanna a comm about a follow-up to it?


I dont know why, but theres something about humiliating my OC like that that I love XD But yeah sure ^^