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Here we join the little witch boy and his friends after class at Witchcraft school. Dani was keen to show them the new spell that he learned earlier. A simple spell, to tern people into objects. Of course the first thing that came to mind was dills...
So one by one he cast the spill on his willing friends, turning them into sentient little sex toys. Sam wasnt too keen on the thought, but before he could voice his concern Dani waved his magic wand and POOF! the little blonde flopped down onto the floor. Now looking a little more phallic like.
It was a fun experience. The sensation of being an inanimate object was really interesting.

Of course they couldn't stay like that forever, so soon they asked to be turned back... It was at this point something suddenly dawned on Dani... he hadn't been taught the reverse spell yet! :S

Of all the things I've draw so far this is probably the stupidest, and i apologies  XD
I'll try and get 2 Kinktobers up tomorrow. Didn't have as much spare time as I thought today :S



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