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In the grounds of Alex's vast property are lots of interesting old relics. Most from the railway that closed in the 1960s. Some however are much older...
One day Dani was having fun in the garden. He loved exploring the massive plot of land Alex owned. There was always some interesting old railway relic hiding around the corner. That day was no different. In a wooded section he noticed a pile of rocks, that were too neat to be natural. On closer inspection it was an old wall. Hardly the coolest thing to find. However as he climbed onto it he saw that there was a hole at its base. Shining his torch into it there seemed to be a room buried beneath him.
With his Curiosity getting the better of him. Dani pulled some of the stones away to make the hole larger, then ferreted his way inside. The room was only small, but there were strange artefacts and symbols all over the walls. Holding up an ancient-looking crucifix he said to himself. "Something tells me this isnt railway related. Looks medieval"? Across the room was a strange altar, with a large stone tablet sat on it. Dani walked over and aimed his torch at it. Engraved on the tablet was some writing in Latin, along with pictures of what looked like an angel and demon?
Dani had no idea how to speak Latin, but that didn't stop him trying. He tried repeatedly to read it, getting it more correct each time. As he finally got it right though he was unaware that all of the strange symbols on the walls were now glowing red? Eventually he turned around and realised. "What the hell"? He said to himself. Before he could do anything else though the room suddenly changed to a strange lilac purple scene? It looked like scrunched-up paper for some reason, similar to some silly Kinktober artworks he saw once...  
Suddenly a gag was shoved from nowhere into his mouth. A strange glowing rope wrapped around his wrists, and another around his balls!? Confused as hell he looked around, just as 2 cute creatures appeared. An angel with golden blonde hair, and an imp boy with purple hair. They both smiled as they each tugged the glowing ropes. The Angel hovered up to him and cheekily said. "Hi there". Confused Dani tried to say hi back, but suddenly yelped into his gag as the Imp giggling shoved something large, into his butt o.0..
He still had no idea what was going on, but its seemed he had summoned them by reading the text on the tablet. What they were going to do with him though he had no idea :S.

The text in Latin on the tablet roughly translates to. "Beware the prophecy of the Forbidden horny spirits. Gabe the Angel and Pein his Imp boy. Summon these creatures at thou own risk"!

So yeah in a long-winded way the story meets the kinktober word prompts haha.
I've been wanting to draw Dani meeting Konni's OCs Gabe and Pein for a while. So here they are :P
I always love drawing new characters, even if they do take a lot longer than my boys :3

I know I'm still very behind with Kinktober, and getting more so :S, but meh I'm having fun ^.^



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