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I mean, he has a point. They might be little slaves,
But it could be much worse for them. At the Femboy Club a roof over their heads, a bed (a single they share, but they dont mind) they have no bills, get to keep their tips, and get to be horny little sluts all day. Something which suits Sky and Titch perfectly XD
As Ive said before, Sam's not a slave at the club, he just works there. Hes only covering for Leo too. So when he returns hes free to go. Although secretly the little blonde boy is also starting to enjoy himself at the club. He'd never admit it though :3

Anywho just a little silly one. I'm still quite ill at the moment... Actually going to the doc tomorrow morning to find out what the hells wrong with me. Its basically the reason Ive slowed Kinktober down. But should have time to work on 2 tomorrow evening if I'm lucky.
As always, Thank you guys for supporting me ^.^



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