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"Lets visits the alien space station Sam said.. It will be fun, Sam said... Yeah real fun.. Being chased around it with a bowling ball tied to your balls, by big dudes with tazers and batons.. Sam better have the shuttle ready for us to escape. If this is how they restrain low risk prisoners, frick knows what they'll do if they catch me escaping"?! Dani thought to himself as he hobbled through the maze like corridors.
The disorientating red alert lights strobing on the wall made navigating the station difficult. More so was the heavy metal ball secured to his humbler. Relentlessly tugging on his sore balls. Knowing any minute the security teams might find him he tried to move quickly.  Its not like he could try running though. Along with the heavy weight, he had been made to wear strange leg shackles. Preventing him relaxing his feet and forcing him to stand on his tip toes. A large metal hook up his red spanked butt also made each move very uncomfortable.
His only hope was that he could make it to the shuttle and flee. Unfortunately though, unknown to Dani the shuttle had now been impounded.. Along with Sam.. Who was now locked in a cell with the same restraints.
It was only a matter of time before they caught Dani, although you'd think they surely would've caught the slow hobbling little femboy by now? And you'd be right. The security were sat watching Dani through the stations security cameras. It was the best entertainment they'd had in a while watching him struggling to make it to a shuttle, that was no longer there >.<

Dont worry though, ESA will arive soon to negotiate their release. The nearest ship is a few weeks away though, so they may be on the station a while :S

Yep, get carried away again haha. I feel like space cadets Dani and Sam would make a good series :3 I might look into it once I wrap up PleXus :P




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