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After having some "fun" with a super mutant. Using hot sause as lube o.0 Dani was left dangling in the old derelict reception area. Squirming with his painfully burning butt hole one of his ropes came loose. So he was able to quietly unbind himself and sneak out while the happy mutant slept.
Wincing with every step, his poor little butt feeling like he'd spent the night riding a blowtorch. He eventually found a stash of supplies in an abandoned building. Pretty much jamming a stimpack into his butt he let out a moan of relief as the burning faded. For a moment he sat there as his low health bar slowly began refilling. Throwing the empty medkit aside Dani said to himself. "Maybe I should've just stayed in the vault"..
As he was sat there though he was completely unaware that a raider was creeping up behind him. The raider had his gun aimed at Dani's head and was about to shoot, but he lowered it as he checked him out. Something about Dani seemed to interests him. So he pulled a rag from his pocket, doused it in some chems, then grabbed Dani from behind. Shoving the rag over his face. The little femboy surprised tried to fight back, but the raider was far stronger than him. After a little struggle Dani lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time Dani began to come round. He was once again bound. Only this time not by the super mutants. He was in a cage, bound with heavy chains and shackles. As he moved he yelp realising his arms and legs weren't the only things bound. A heavy ball stretcher was bolted around his little nuts. With chains connecting it to his leg shackles. He wasn't alone either, there was another someone else in a blue dress just coming round. As they sat up he looked at Dani, equally as shocked to be in the predicament. Something was different about them though. Their eyes were glowing blue? Dani tried to speak to say hi, but quickly realised he was gagged again. They were also gagged. The pair moaned and squirmed in their tight metal restraints as they tried to figure out what was going on.
Suddenly they were startled as a large man banged on the top of the cage.
"Wake up you two". He said in a stern voice. "Its time to begin the auction"! Dani and the other femboy looked at each other. Dani was confused, but the other seemed to know exactly what was going on.
The large man knelt down and looked closely at Dani. "You really are a Vault dweller arent you. first Ive seen thats not just a fake in a Vault-Tec suit. You'll make us a fortune haha". Dani looked back at him still confused as to what was going on. The man then turned to the other person and said. "Don't know what we're gonna do with you though sissy boy.. even desperate scumbags dont wanna touch a synth.. I'm guessing you're an escaped one. Maybe we'll sell you back to the Institute".
The little blonde synth nervously shuffled backwards until his back was against the wall of the cage. Seeing how scared he was Dani looked up at the man annoyed and said. "Back off"! Of course the man just laughed and said. "Aren't you a fiery one. I know, if you like the synth so much I'll sell you as a pair"!

So yes, Dani has escaped the super mutant, and immediately got himself caught by another one of the Commonwealths rough types. The slavers. big business selling slaves in the Commonwealth, some will fetch a high price. Especially vault dwellers. So it looks like Dani might have a new owner very soon. Although at least he'll have a friend with him. The little synth boy Sam :S

Ok I hadn't actually planned on doing another Atomic Femboy art this soon. But I think it has a lot of potential :3 So if you wanna see more of vault-dweller Dani and Synth boy Sam, let me know :P.
I did want to do more than just the stage scene, but I ran out of time :S So you'll get part 2.1 in the next few days ^^ I'll also be continuing with Kinktober. I'm just struggling to balance it all and not burn out :S. Though I actually have friday to monday free this week so that should help massively!

Anywho, as always, thank you guys for supporting me ^^



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