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Dani got a job as a nightgaurd once at a little warehouse. Not quite sure what they were thinking hiring a little femboy like him to do a job like that.
Although the voice of 1 of the robbers that night did sound very familiar to the person who did his interview... inside job maybe??
Anyway Dani was spinning around on his chair board, when the power seemed to go off. As he went to investigate, he was ambushed and restrained. 2 masked men tied his arms behind his back and taped his mouth shut. Then marched him into the office where the safe was. The large safe was quite old, but would still put up a hell of a fight for any would be burglars. Unless they had the key though. They knew Dani had a copy somehow, that he would hand to the manager in the morning. So they searched his pockets, eventually ending up stripping him naked.. Confused they found the key clipped to his chastity cage? I guess he thought it would be a good hiding place.

After opening the safe and looting it, they stuffed the money into their bags and prepared to leave. Thats when 1 of them noticed Dani slowly sneaking towards the phone. So the masked man grabbed him and forced the little femboy into the safe. Before he could react, the robbers slammed the door shut, sealing him inside. They then left the key onto top and bid a hasty exit.
Inside the safe Dani squirmed and wiggled as he moaned into his gag. The safe was just large enough for him to uncomfortably fit inside. His head was pressed against the top and his toes squished up against the heavy metal door. Luckily the safe had a hole in the door so he wouldn't suffocate. It also allowed him a tiny portal to peak through.
For hours he sat there as the sun slowly rose lighting up the office. He wiggled trying to get comfortable. Now regretting the large can of Monster he had drank earlier, as he was desperate for a pee. Luckily though he knew the manager would soon open up and come into the office to free him.
Then the phone started ringing.. Dani tried to listen as best he could through the small hole. The phone eventually went to the answering machine. "Hello, Dani its the boss. I hope you're not asleep.. I won't be in until this evening, kids ill. Just leave the safe key in the desk draw. No one but me has a access to that office anyway".

So yeah seems poor little Dani might be in there another 9 hours :S. He should be fine, though I'm not sure he can hold his bladder that long >.<
I'm getting carried away with these again.. I need to tone it back down as I don't have the spare time to spend ages on them haha
Sky/RBD <3



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