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Today we join Vault dweller 102 ("Pinky" as his friend Piper calls him) on 1 of his little solo explores into the Commonwealth...
Yeah it didnt go well.. As soon as he stepped foot outside his settlement, he was attacked by raiders, giant scorpions, and ferral ghouls... Fortunatly he managed to escape and ran into a building. The derelict reception area looked like any other in the wastelands. However some text promising free stuff scrawled on a door caught his eye. Now it was obviously a trap.. anyone could see that...
Pinky happily ran over and opened the door. As he skipped inside though, to his shock, there was no free stuff. Just a super mutant who seemed surprised that his little trap actually worked. Before pinky could leave the mutant donked him over the head.
When Dani awoke he was bound and gagged, suspended from the ceiling by all fours. As he moaned and wiggled he noticed his latex Vault suit had been torn, exposing his little butt, and Vault-Tec issue atomic pink chastity cage. On the countertop beside him were various "phallic" like objects he had collected. All arranged unuaully, with a bottle of lube?
Then he saw the super mutant enter the room. Standing between his legs he smiled and said. "Mmm, me love fresh human holes"! Pink's eyes widened as he saw the mutants enormous shaft, twitching and pulsating as it pointed straight at him.
As the mutant smeared what little lube was left in the bottle all over his rod, Pinky was starting to think maybe he shouldn't go into the commonwealth on his own again..

At least Preston (who was now white and speaking with a German accent for some reason) came to his help.. well, he told him that a settlement needs help, then buggered off leaving Pinky there..

So yeah, bit of a change from normal XD. I started playing Fallout 4 recently. I've never actually played a Fallout game before. But I'm really enjoying it :3. So I thought I'd do a little Fallout themed art with Dani. Mainly as I had an idea for a latex Vault-Tec suit.. that I REALLY! want in real life!
It was also a good way to experiment with using a game scene as a backdrop. It actually worked quite well :) If I find more fun locations in the game I'll try and do another ^.^

Kinktobers 3 & 4 should be up a little later. Theyre also the reason for the game background, my time is being stretched very thin balancing Patreon art and Kinktober, so I may have to compromise in places like background :S.
Let me know what you think of game based artworks :) I'd love to know your opinion!
Anywho, thank you for supporting me ^^





Ah, my two favorite things: Femboys, and Fallout hehe


I couldn't agree more :3. I only started playing Fallout recently, but have fallen in love with it ^^