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The Femboy club might be branching out into budget airlines..
Not really XD, unless you guys wanna see my boys try their hands at it??? Let me know :3

Anyway its Mile High night, so the guys have set up a little airline theme for the club. In the back room was an old airplane trolley that Leo had modified before he left to go into the PleXus. He had designed it for Sky, but the trolley was tiny and  Sky just couldn't get into it.. no matter how much Titch tried cramming him in...
With the night rapidly approaching, Titch already dressed up in his air steward uniform, and Sky out of action after almost dislocating his head trying to squash inside... it seemed they might have to do without the trolley. That was until Sam, accidently let slip that he was a contortionist.
An evil smile appeared on Titch's face, and before Sam knew it he was stuffed inside the tiny compartment at the top of the trolley.. With all of his holes stuffed. One by a giggling emo who had been granted permission to remove his chastity cage..
Don't worry though Sam,  the club closes in 7 hours :S

I had the idea for this one for a while :P. Annoyingly I did have to rush a little. Last week was my bday and I went to a festival. So I only had like a day to get this made :S.
Anyway it was fun ^^
Let me know if you wanna see a Femboy Airlines skit XD

As always, thank you guys for supporting me!
Sky/RBD <3




Just got off a 13 Hour flight back home after a holiday on the 27th. Glad that the cocksleeve doesn't have to deal with air sickness while being tied with his head upside down in this pretend-plane xp


Damn that's a long flight! 0.o Sam will get used to it though. The guests playing with that level will keep him occupied anyway XD