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Poor Sky always gets the short end of the stick at the Femboy Club..
Although this time it was his own fault...
He was doing silly impersonations of Mr Rottweiler, then suddenly wondered why both Leo and Titch were now pulling weird faces and looking behind him. It took him far longer than it should've to realise why, but of course by that point it was a little too late. And he felt a muscular hand grab his shoulder and heard the boss whisper in his ear. "My office, Now"...
After a strict telling off.. and hard spanking.. He bound him like this, shoved a dirty brush in his mouth. Then ordered him to clear the entire club in time for opening, and the Pup day event..
It took him quite a while, longer than it should've too. Thanks to Titch tripping over him and launching a bucket of gunk from the drip trays all over the place.
The boss left when he could be unbound up to Leo. But Leo being a little sadist took that as (keep him like this for the whole of Pup day) :S
How long do you think he should stay like this?? :3

I'm actually not finished with this one, I just ran out of time for my usual Tuesday 8pm (GMT) upload.
I have a fun little idea for how to make his cleaning shift more fun. So be prepared for a part 8.1 in the next few days XD

As always, thank you guys for supporting ^.^
