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It would seem the new boys are settling into their job nicely at the Femboy Club. Well, when I say job, they're pretty much now just a pair of slaves :S. 

Today we join them in their office.. Being the newbies this is where they will spend most of their time. At this point the pair don't know whats worse. The fact they're both essentially sex slaves forced to work the glory holes all night. Or that Leo (being there the longest) is now their supervisor :S

Once again I had a lot of fun drawing this one. Partly because the characters are literally just me and my friend :3, but mainly because I've kinda wanted to draw some glory hole stuff for a while^.^ 

Anyway, as always, thank you guys for supporting me <3





You’re welcome Sky! This is wonderful and I love the dialogue between you and your friend. Can’t wait to see part 5!!🥰💜💜