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Now you're thinking with Portals!

It seems once every 2 years the vortex that brought Sam back in time opens for about a week. Creating a gateway through time. So Sam decided to pop back to the 22nd century to try and see his friend Zig. Obviously he has to be careful, as he is still technically wanted by ESA. Just small crimes, such as stealing a spaceship, murder, treason... he didn't do them, well he did steal the shuttle..
Anyway this time Dani wanted to tag along as he wanted to see the future. Somehow they managed to sneak onboard an ESA transport ship, the Carolina. Sam knew someone onboard and wanted to see if they could help him get in touch with Zig. The pair used digital IDs forged by Lois, so that they would appear as just 2 little crew members. They also wore ensign uniforms. Of course the kinky pair made sure to wear the skin tight ZeroG suits, because why not. However their little explore of the ship suddenly went south, when the captain recognised Sam from a wanted poster at ESA command. So he had to flee quickly. He just managed to make it back to the vortex before the Carolina's heavily armed Skyrat class fighter escort could blow his clapped out planet hopper shuttle out of the stars.

There was just one issue though... As he emerged back in the 21st century he realised something... He'd forgotten Dani!
On the Carolina Dani casually walked out of the bathroom, to immediately throw his hands up as he was surrounded by an armed security team.
Not knowing what to do with him ESA arrested Dani. Though they had no grounds as he technically hadn't done anything wrong other then time travel. So after spending a week in the decontamination. They handed him over to the medical department to ensure he wasn't carrying any unknown illnesses.. he wasn't.. but while with the slightly perverted doctor. He agreed to test out one of his new inventions. A huge scientific breakthrough in close-range teleportation! 
Essentially he had come up with a way to create linked portals. The main aperture required huge amounts of power, nearly 10% of the Carolina's entire reactor output. The secondary aperture though only required a small amount of power. Making it handy for personal usage. Though what the doctor was using it for was sketchy to say the least.. Dani being a little confused as to why he had fitted a chastity belt-type device with 2 of them. 
The doctor assured him though that it was just part of his tests. A way to perform medicals on personally with them having to leave their posts. 

So as Dani left the medical bay, now wearing the strange belt that was securely locked in place. He was wondering exactly what the doctor meant by medicals. Though it soon became apparent.. 

This was supposed to be a simple Kinktober sketch.. but I got way too carried away again haha.
For those who follow Sam's story, this isn't canon dont worry XD. Although I really like the portal pants so I will be using them again :3

As always, thank you guys for supporting me ^.^
Sky/RBD <3



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