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(All Characters Depicted are 18+)

A little later than planned :3 I always try and get something up for 8pm, but erm I got side tracked..

Anyway the conclusion to the story has finally come. Of course, Leo was going to be rescued ^^ But I bet you weren't expecting the twist haha. Dani's little phone call to Sam a few weeks ago really came in handy.

So thats the end of Leo's little Vacation. I don't he'll be giving the place a 5 star Yelp review :S. Luckily for him though, his best friend always has his back <3
Now the first artwork was actually supposed to be in part 5, but.. I didn't get it done in time haha. Anyway hope you've enjoyed this perverted adventure :P
Its the first time I've really worked on anything like a series of art with a storyline.

Also big welcome to my new Patreons! and a thank you for your support for my old patreons ^^
Next week my art will be.... Honestly I have no idea, I haven't thought that far ahead :P



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