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(All Characters Depicted are 18+)

With Alex working for MI6 he often has to head do to London to the head office. This means leaving Dani on his own at home. So he often gets him a babysitter. Now Dani is 22 so shouldn't really need one.. but every time Alex has left him on his own, somethings happened. Like blowing the kitchen up, crashing a car into the lake, somehow filling the entire house with pigeons, or getting kidnapped by old ladies.. and that was all just one week..

While taking Dani with him to London was an option, it does raise awkward questions. Such as when the hotel maid comes in to clean the room while Alex is in the MI6 HQ, and finds Dani bound to the bed..
So instead he likes to get Dani a babysitter, not just any babysitter though. Has to be the kinkiest and most dominant person Alex knows, his old friend Millie, or Mistress Emerald to use her professional title.
Now Millie is a Dominatrix, she loves nothing more than making submissive boys and girls suffer. Her and Dani go way back though, she actually knew him a year before he even met Alex.

Anyway Millie actually really likes Dani, affectionately calls him Little Trouble, the nickname she gave him while he was a street urchin and her a police constable. While looking after him she likes him to dress as a good feminine little sissy boy. Dani is so used to her now though that it doesn't really embarrass him anymore, unless she makes him go outside and mow the lawn of get the mail like that.. which she often does..
One day while Alex was away Millie was looking after Dani. He had just finished doing the dishes and walked back into the living room with 2 cans of cola. He had seen a weird challenge where women balance drinks on their boobs, and had hatched an idea. He was going to challenge Millie to see which of them could balance the full can on the chest the longest. If Dani won, Millie would have to remove his chastity cage and she would be his slave until Alex returned in 2 days. If she won, Dani would be her personal slave at her dungeon for a month. Now obviously Millie would win, she's a very busty girl, and Dani.. is a guy... But he had a little trick up his sleeve..
Sticky tape ;)  

It was all going to plan. Millie eventually dropped her can. However, confused as to how Dani was doing it she grabbed his can and pulled it. Causing Dani to scream as the tape tore away from his skin.. Revealing that he was cheating all along.
So now not only was he being thoroughly sp anked for his deceit. he now had to be Mistress Emerald's personal dungeon slave for an entire month...
Least it'll give Alex some peace and quiet.

Just a fun doodle this week ^^ the short Leo's Vacation series is a little dark, so I like to break it up a little :)
