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Just curious, what do you guys wanna see more of on here?? Artwork? Wips, my silly modelling pics?? I now have ALOT of PVC things in my wardrobe which Id love to show off ^^. Uni is eating my time a little so I haven't really had time to draw anything this week unfortunately. But Sunday I'll get something up :)
Anyway drop a comment of what you wanna see more of on my patreon tier, and I'll do my best to cater :)
Sky/RBD Xx



Théophile Ghestin

Personnaly ,It's been a long time since i started following you and i was just curious about what is on your patreon :p I prefer Artwork but you can do what you want and I hope to see more :)


It's a mess on here I know haha. I kinda started it at the worst time being on my final year at uni :S I'll try and focus more on art though, I prefer it myself to be honest ^^ Xx


Nicky's from DA: I vote for 50/50 and more content in general :)


I'll try hun ^^ I kinda started this patreon at the wrong time with uni taking up every spare minute :S I should have some stuff up soon though :) Xx