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(All Characters Depicted are 18+)

Trafficker: 307 stand up straight and quit sniveling!
Trafficker: 309, err, you know we're selling you into slavery right? stop acting like you're enjoying this so much.. 
Trafficker: 308!? di, did you just rip up your placard? 
Dani: FUCK YOU! 
Trafficker: Do you want me to taser you again! 

So yeah the boys have been kidnapped by Femboy slave traffickers. As just looking at Sam, Dani and Leo, they're prime targets :S. 
I thought this would be a cute way to show how differently my OC would react to this situation. 
Sam, scared and embarrassed, trying his hardest to cover his caged cock with the very short skirt.
Leo, the kinky weirdo is loving it
And Dani, weirdly is absolutely furious? Normally in a situation like this his reaction would be a cross between Sam and Leo. 

Just like when they were caught. The 3 were walking down the secluded wooded road to Alex's house, when a large black car stopped next to them. Thinking they just wanted directions the 3 boys thought nothing of it. But then suddenly 4 large men dressed all in black with ski masks jumped out. Sam and Leo surrendered immediately, and quickly found themselves bound and gagged in the cars boot. Dani however, (in a very uncharacteristic way) put up one hell of a fight! Breaking one man's nose and biting another's hand so hard that he bled. In the end it took all 4 of them, and a taser to finally subdue Dani. He was then quite literally thrown into the small boot, landing on top of Sam and Leo. Where the 3 boys remained squashed up together for 2 hours, as the car made its way to an old inconspicuous warehouse out of town. A blackmarket auction house, where perverted rich men and woman from all over the world, splashout huge amounts of cash for European femboys, to be used as sex slaves. 
The 2 little Brits and the German would fetch a very high price, although with one of the kidnappers having a broken nose and another needing stitches, seemed they had already paid a high price for them :S. 

After being stripped down, and forced into revealing feminine clothes, the boys were shackled and shoved onto a stage infront of a camera. Which was broadcasting to a bidding website on the Darkweb... 

The reason for Dani's hostility to being kidnapped was actually that it was his birthday in 2 days. And Alex had promised him an entire day of passionate sex.. Something Dani would literally fight to the death for :3 
Dont worry though Dani, theyre streaming to the Darkweb.. Alex is one of the worlds best hackers. He's probably already on his way, so god help the kidnappers :S 

This was a fun little drawing, that mainly started with me wanted to include Leo in something ^^
Hope you like it!

And like Dani its also my bday in 2 days, so I'm gonna be very drunk hehe :3

Sky/RBD <3



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