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All characters are 18+ All scenes depicted are consensual.

As you know, Dani is a domestic house slave. Basically means he is owned by his Master, Alex. Its a mutual thing though, they both love it.
Well, Dani loves the kinky side. Being used as a sex toy at his Masters will, and punished in perverted and sadistic ways.. Makes the horny deviant a very happy little femboy. Of course though it isn't all spankings and being used as a human fleshlight. Being a domestic slave also means he has to do chores. Cant all be fun and games.
So half of Dani's day usually involves cleaning the house and tidying the giant garden. He was originally tasked with doing the cooking too, but last time he did they were both violently ill for a week... Since then Dani has been banned from cooking..
Anyway it was normal day at the house. Dani was happily wondering the corridors with the hoover listening to his old iPod. He was wearing pretty much nothing, though that was normal for Dani. Just his cute pink and white striped stockings, a little bow in his hair, and his inverted chastity cage.
With his headphones in singing along to his songs, he was completely unaware of Alex carrying a strange-looking pole towards the basement. Followed by the sounds of clanking and drilling. A few minutes later he reappeared and walked up behind Dani. Alex just crossed his arms grinning, as he stood behind the oblivious pink-haired femboy. Shaking his cute bare butt from side to side. As he was singing along to one of his songs. Wake up Hate by Korn, the fast-paced angry song, sounded a little strange in Dani's feminine tone with his broad Welsh accent.
Alex just shook his head, then slapped Dani's butt. Which was instantly followed by a loud scream. He pulled his headphones out as he turned round and said. "Master! Dont do that".
So Alex flicked off the hoover and cheerfully replied. "Slaves don't tell their Masters what to do". He then pulled a small length of rope from his jacket and bound Dani's arms behind his back. Then tied a length to his collar. "Come on, leave the hooving, I've got something to show you". Dani smiled and happily said. "Yes Master".

In the basement Alex led Dani to a corner where he had installed a strange looking pole. It had a strange bar ontop with a dil, and half way down what looked like a fleshlight? As he was admiringing it Alex unlocked his chastity cage, his little peen instantly growing to fully erect. He then lowered Dani onto his knees in front of the pole. The fleshlight thing was exactly at the right height to be used as such. Alex fed the rope attached to his collar through a hole on the pole, and pulled Dani towards it. The dil was exactly at level with his face. So naturally the little sub opened his mouth. Though as Alex pulled him closer, the dil went deeper. He tied the rope around a cleat, then with a lubed hand, massaged Dani's now rock hard peen, and slipped it into the fleshlight.
"There, I've seen you practising your deepthroating using a dildo and a mirror". Said Alex as he stood over him. Dani blushed and tried to reply. "You've seen that". But with the large dildo at the back of his throat, it just came out gargled. Alex then said. "Well with this you can practice, and reward yourself. The fleshlight part emits a numbing field. So no matter how much you thrust, it won't work. The field gets weaker though the deeper you go with that dildo. So if you want to cum, that thing needs to be down your throat".
At first Dani was confused, but as he tried f*cking the fleshlight, he could barely feel it?
Alex patted him on the head and said. "Good boy" which made Dani blush. He then left him to practice his deep-throating. It really did work. Only when he was gagging with the dildo halfway to his stomach could he feel the fleshlight. It felt great, but as he back off to avoid choking himself, the sensation faded quickly. Due to the rope tied to his collar he couldn't back off all the way, so the dildo would always be at the back of his mouth. Coughing with his saliva dribbling down his chest he looked up at the basement door. Though impressed with Alex's kinky yet sadistic invention, all he could think of was that he wished the dil was actually Alex's dick...

Little silly one for the weekend guys :3
Had the idea of a device like this for a while, what Dani doesn't know though is that the clever tech would make sure that he would never be allowed to cum >.<. So no matter how much he deepthroated the dill, it would keep him at the very edge, but no further haha

Anywho, have a great weekend guys ^^



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