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All characters are 18+ and all scenes depicted are consensual.

The Femboy Hotel's grand opening!.. is still a long way off...
The building is falling apart and needs a hell of a lot of work. 1 of the rooms looks nice though, courtesy of the boss staying at a well-known UK budget hotel branch. Now we all know taking a towel is a little naughty.. but the boss brought it to a whole new level, and stole the entire room :S

With help from his trade friends he was able to fit it nicely into one of the newly constructed hotel rooms, in the old office block next-door to the Femboy Club.
So while the slaves have been tasked with sorting out the hard labour and decorating. Sam has been practising in the new room. Preparing it for the guest that will be arriving soon. In order to give him a bit of a hand, the boss has put an add in the local paper for work-experience brats to get something to shove on their CVs. Hes not gonna pay them obviously, if he wanted to pay he'd just buy another pair of slaves of the shady guys he purchased Sky and Titch from.

The job listing was pretty basic, but it was enough to catch Katherine's attention as she was flicking through the paper. She was keen to get some hotel management experience, and this little hotel seemed perfect. So without reading the ad further, she contacted Mr Rotweiler, who was happy to let her join temporarily.
When she arrived, she was confused to see 2 latex coated femboys, Sky and Titch, squabbling with each other in the reception. Something about a remote-controlled dildo? Anyway before she could question it Sam cheerfully introduced himself, and lead her upstairs. She was a little shocked when the little blonde maid boy turned around. To reveal his backside was completely naked?
Sam just laughed though and said. "Don't worry you'll get one of these uniforms too"! Err.. what did he mean by that!? She thought as she followed him up the stairwell.

Later on the top floor in the fitted-out room Sam gave her the uniform and told her to change. Kath was a little freaked out, but what the hell, she needed this experience. So she slowly stripped off. Little gay Sam turning and staring up at the ceiling so as not to watch.
After slipping into the strange open rear maid uniform she turned back to see Sam smiling holding a length of rope and ballgag? What is this job Katherine thought to herself wide-eyed. As she looked at the shining ruby red ballgag swaying from side to side...

Sorry its slightly late, I'm actually very ill right now so have been struggling to stay focused on finishing this :l
But hey this is the first Femboy Hotel! To be honest I had intended to do 2 more panels, but I feel like I'm gonna keel over... Anywho this is the first work experience brat at the hotel, Katherine!
Who belongs to -

Not the usual sort of person who would grace the Femboy Club, but she's enjoying herself. And little subby Sam seems to be enjoying being a dom weirdly haha

Next week will be another work experience brat, and hopefully I'll be more alive by then :S.
Also got a silly artwork planned for Friday with an auto bussy ucker XD Came to me in a day dream.. i have very perverted day dreams as you may have noticed :3

Anywho as always thank you guys for supporting me! Really does help ^.^




How does one get a job at the hotel? I'm uh... asking for a friend... yeah.


The new girl is cute! Raven hair, glasses, and a mole? A real catch. Wish jobs like that showed up on my Indeed or Monster


She came out really well :3 And yeah I keep looking but never seem to find any jobs like that XD