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All characters are 18+, all scenes depicted are consensual roleplay!

You all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The young girl venturing into the woods to see her grandma, but ends up meeting a big bad wolf instead...

Well this story.. is nothing like that :S. Just a pair of horny femboys going into the woods to mess about.. Leo had a silly little idea for a cool photoshoot. He'd recently seen a crude porno based around the story of Little Red Ridinghood. So had come up with a fun little idea.
After telling Dani the pair happily gathered some stuff like clothes, a camera tripod, and of course some bondage gear and sex toys..
Before setting off Dani told Leo to make sure they had absolutely everything. To which Leo assured him they did. After loading up the car they drove to a little forest Leo had found on google maps. They parked up in a layby and walked through the woods for a bit, eventually they found a nice tree that seemed perfect for the little photoshoot. Dani pulled his hood up and stood against a tree. Leo cuffed his hands behind it, then went to set up the camera. Being at the mercy of his perverted little friend was hugely arousing to Dani. His dick was fighting against his tiny pink chastity cage to get hard.
With the camera set up Leo began to tease Dani. He gagged him with some microfoam tape. Then pulled his jeans down, revealing his cute little pink frilly panties. He blushed as Leo cupped his bulge, rubbing his fingers along it. Then gently slipped them down, revealing his small pink cage. Twitching as his dick tried its hardest to break free.
Leo loved watching him moan and wiggle. He stripped off himself, and rubbed his body up against Dani's. Biting his lip as the pair's small chastity cages clacked against one another. They were having so much fun they kind of forgot they went out to do a photoshoot. Eventually though Leo went back to the camera. Dani did his best helpless damsel impression. It made some cute photos.
With the shoot now done, Leo turned off the camera, and went to release Dani. He was looking around as he could swear he could hear voices. The woods they chose for the little shoot wasn't as secluded as they'd liked. Was actually right next to a busy supermarket. They just didn't realise before starting the shoot. As he turned back to Leo though, he couldn't help but notice a concerned look on his face as he riffled through their backpacks. Through his gag Dani said. "Whats wrong"? Leo looked back with a nervous smile and said. "Err.. do you have the handcuff key"? Dani annoyed replied. "I thought you had it"!?
With the sound of the voices getting closer Leo said. "Errm, I know, I have a set in the car. I'll go grab the key. Wait here". He then jumped up and quickly ran back to the car. As Dani wide eyed said through his gag. "Wait! you didn't pull my pants back up"!? Leo was too distracted to hear him as he quickly scurried back to where his car was parked.
Dani squirmed and tugged at the handcuffs, but he was going nowhere. He just rested his head against the tree hoping the people he could hear would pass without seeing him. His bright red hoodie would make it difficult not to though. At least the car wasn't that far for Leo to run back to. Just a shame that Dani remembered Leo had shoved his car keys in Dani's pocket for safe keeping...

Another silly little one for the weekend ^^
I actually meant this one for last week, but after the rubber gimp one got flagged by Pat, I knew this one deffo would :S. So I've had to alter the story quite a bit. It was originally about Dani getting kidnapped by chavs XD. This works well though :3

Anywho, hope you guys have a lovely weekend <3



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