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Poor Dani, he never has any luck >.<

This comic is set way back in 2020, just before the world went to sh*t :l
Danis not been Alex's slave long, hes still discovering new things about himself. Such as enjoying wearing feminine clothes :3
He's still very shy though, I mean he still is, but more so back then. The idea of going out in public dressed as a girl was exciting, but scary. What would people think? He has nothing to worry about though. As Leo said. Hes a femboy. Stick him in a dress and you'd never guess he was a boy.
The bus ride was interesting. Sitting there at the back, He could swear everyone was side glancing him and whispering. In reality though no one had even noticed Dani was actually male. Or they just didnt care.  
As  the hour long bus ride continued, little Dani became more comfortable. His cute little disguise was working. He even took a selfie to send to Leo.
When the bus finally arrived in the city centre though, Dani's confidence plummeted as he saw just how many people were mingling around in the bus station. Nervously he sat there, wondering what to do as the bus emptied. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. However he didn't have a choice as the driver shouted to him. "Oi love, this is the last stop. You need to get off".
So cautiously he got up and slowly walked off of the bus. As he stepped out onto the pavement he looked around at everyone going about their day. None seemed to even notice him. The bus driver wanting to end his shift quickly closed the doors. So plucking up the courage he was about to start walking to the coffeeshop to meet Leo. Until the bus behind him roared off.. With Dani's cute little pink dress pinched between the doors...
In the blink of a eye it was torn off him. Unveiling the little femboys bare butt and shiny pink chastity cage to the whole bus station...
If they people there hadn't noticed him before, they certainly did now o.0..

Ok its been a while since I did a Padlock comic :P This idea popped into my head yesterday. So I just had to draw it before I forgot it :3





Woo! I haven't been following you for very long, but it's nice to see Padlock make a return


I pretty much started out as a comic artist on my old skyr4t DA account. Theyre harder to make than stand alone artworks but I find them just as fun ^.^