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Hello everyone, it's Watanabe here.

This is my dormitory diary entry for August.

With the students enjoying their summer vacations, my younger sister took the chance to swing by Tokyo. We explored spots I don't usually frequent, and man, were they some eye-opening experiences!

Last month, I caught "How Do You Live?" on the big screen. Not gonna lie, parts of it were a bit over my head. But the more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became. These days, its themes often drift into my thoughts, even during work.

To get a better grip on the story, I turned to Yoshino Genzaburo's novel, which gave the film its name. The book tells a different tale from the movie, but it's so gripping and reader-friendly. I tried matching up the film's story with the book's narrative, and for a moment, I felt like I was onto something. But re-watching the film only muddled things further for me.

I know I've gone on about the storyline, but let's talk visuals. The animation was nothing short of breathtaking. Every frame held my attention. And the design and background of the lead character? Just wow. Word is, the film's sticking around in theaters for a bit, so I'm considering a few more viewings.

Watanabe, August 7, 2023












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