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Hello everyone, I’m Kimura, a resident of the Animator Dormitory.

This is my July dormitory diary entry.

Ever since last month, the air conditioning at work has been on the fritz, and we've been trying to get our artwork done in this unbearable heat. Luckily, since we're working digitally, we don't have to stress about our papers getting warped from sweat, but boy, by the time the day ends, I'm beat and I sleep like a baby. Here's hoping they fix it soon.

As for my workload last month, I wrapped up six key animation cuts. A lot of those cuts were pretty demanding, and I've got to admit, the end results left me a bit frustrated. Just a few days ago, I met someone who's cranking out sixty cuts a month, and it's made me feel like I'm not really keeping up.

I don't want to cut corners when it comes to quality, but I do realize I need to work on boosting my productivity. This month, my target is to hit twenty cuts.

2023.07.04. Kimura









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