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Thank you for your support. Watanabe here.

Apologies for my late post.

Here's my dormitory diary entry for January.

How was your New Year's holiday? I spent it with my family at home. It's been a while since I saw my family, so I was relieved to see that they'd been in good health.

I was so busy learning other things last year that I barely had time for my main hobby, drawing. (I hope to have more time this year to draw, not only for work but just for fun).

I heard that my studio is gonna hold key animation exams next month. Still, seeing as I have yet to pass 300 in-between frames in a month, I'd rather focus on hitting that goal first before shooting for a key animation position. I've mentioned many times in these posts that I want to become a key animator, but I'm not so sure these days. I've been bouncing around between feeling like I wanna do keyframes but also feeling like I wanna learn more about in-between animation. The more in-between animation I do, the more I understand how little I know. I don't know what the answer is right now.

I sometimes wonder if I'm even capable of key animation while I'm doing in-betweens or watching anime. The barrier seems so high that the idea that I can do it, too, seems so far away. I think I'll try to improve my drawing and animation skills to gain more experience in both disciplines.

I've written a lot of negative stuff here, but don't worry. Things are mostly positive for me. Either way things turn out, it's all in the name of learning animation. Anyway, I can only take it one step at a time and focus on what's in front of me.

I look forward to talking with you all this year!

2023.1.7 Watanabe











2023.1.7 渡邊



pablo campos

Is hard to decide between two paths specially when you feel you have more skill for one than the other. Don't be discourage, whatever you choose it will help to discover yourself better and clear the view of the path you really want. がんばれー✊‼️