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Hello everyone, Kimura here.
Here’s my diary entry for April.

Roughly two weeks have passed since I made my way to Tokyo. This is my first time leaving home, and juggling cooking, laundry, and cleaning have been difficult, but I’m slowly getting used to it.

Also, new hire training started on the first of April. COVID being a factor, training is remote. Although, it’s going smoothly, and we get to work at our own pace. If I had any worries, it would be that I’m limited to collaborating with my contemporaries and the in-between animation director. Having made the journey to Tokyo, I hoped to collaborate with many more people.

It’s only just begun, but I’m glad that my animation career, something I was apprehensive about, has been so pleasant up to this point. I’ll continue training as much as I can.

April 5th, 2021




You can do it!


Despite the Covid-related challenges, I am glad that you are adjusting to both your life way from home and your new career as an animator. Hopefully, Covid will soon settle down and you will be able to develop new relationships and collaborate with many more of your contemporaries. Best of luck with your training!

Dan Oates

Great drawing - I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda and named my car after Zelda! How is the COVID vaccine distribution panning out in Japan? I just got my shot on Tuesday and have 10 days left until immunity!

João Luís

Leaving home for the first time can be frightening but you will get used to it. It's going to be all right. Good luck ;)