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Live Until April 14th (Sun):


The anime industry is a harsh place to work; it's a miracle that most of our favorite shows make it to TV.  Animators’ wages have been stagnant for over a decade, yet quality standards and cost of living have only continued to increase. 

According to a 2015 study by the Japanese Animation Creators’ Association (JAnicA), the average Japanese animator makes just under $10,000 per year, not accounting for recent depreciations in the Japanese yen. 

Industry experts, including Studio GAINAX founder Toshio Okada and Haruhi Director Yutaka Yamamoto, believe that funding needs to be four times higher than what it is now for studios to stay afloat. 

Help us create this original anime music video independent of production committees and give animators the value they deserve!


Our Next Steps at Animator Supporters

Live Until April 14th (Sun): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/animatorsupporters/raising-animators-wages-a-music-video-with-aya-hirano The anime industry is a harsh place to work; it's a miracle that most of our favorite shows make it to TV.  Animators’ wages have been stagnant for over a decade, yet quality standards and cost of living have only continued to increase.  According to a 2015 study by the Japanese Animation Creators’ Association (JAnicA), the average Japanese animator makes just under $10,000 per year, not accounting for recent depreciations in the Japanese yen.  Industry experts, including Studio GAINAX founder Toshio Okada and Haruhi Director Yutaka Yamamoto, believe that funding needs to be 4 times higher than what it is now for studios to stay afloat.  Help us create this original anime music video independent of production committees and give animators the value they deserve!


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